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7D.001 Drink driving – why we often fail to learn from best practice
  1. Matej Košir,
  2. Sanela Talić
  1. Institute For Research and Development ‘Utrip’, Borovnica, Slovenia


In Europe, approximately 25% of all traffic accident fatalities are alcohol-related. Governments and other responsible authorities have carried out a number of more or less effective and (also) ineffective measures to prevent drink driving. Some policies and measures are proven to be successful (e.g. more frequent random BAC tests for all drivers, zero tolerance for novice and professional drivers, lower BAC levels in general, alcolocks for repeat offenders, structured and long-term campaigns and educational programmes etc.), but are still not fully included in many legislations and are not consistently implemented in practice. Despite the fact that drivers today are aware of the tragic and financial consequences they can bring to themselves and others while driving drunk, and that the public opinion with regard to drink driving largely changed (most Europeans nowadays openly oppose to drink driving), drunk drivers are still responsible for about a quarter of all fatal accidents in Europe. Therefore, new, better and more effective measures are urgently needed. The authors will present an extensive existing scientific evidence from many studies and research in a structured way and present many good examples from practice as well (e.g. evidence-based interventions). Presentation will be based on the document (guidelines and recommendations) which was recently published by author (Košir) and co-author (Talić) in Slovenia and co-sponsored by the Slovenian Traffic Safety Agency and the Ministry of Health. Link to the document:

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