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2A.004 Build confidence among policy-decision makers by removing concerns for CSR law implementation
  1. Cui MinYan(Monica),
  2. Chunyan(Amidy) Peng
  1. Safe Kids China, Shanghai, China


Background No national law mandating child restraint systems (CRS) is in China. Shanghai passed traffic rules in 2017 requiring the use of CRS, but with no penalties. Implementation is weak due to significant government concerns. Using research and marketing data, Safe Kids China (SKC) developed targeted activities to remove the concerns of the policymakers to promote CRS implementation.

Objective Implementation of the law on CRS in Shanghai traffic rules.

Method SKC allayed concerns among decisionmakers by: 1) Highlighting the importance of CRS law, sharing global experience, and providing technical support to stakeholders via seminars; 2) Presenting parents’ support for CRS and data on increasing CRS purchasing trends, and assisting new parents’ CRS usage at hospitals; 3) Training certified child passenger safety technicians (CPST) involving police and healthcare staff.

Results Shanghai decision-makers submitted a policy proposal to strengthen CRS implementation. The related government agencies include CRS education into their work. Police have included CRS into their training. The police coordinated other agencies’ resources for the public education. Five policemen were trained as child passenger safety techinician (CPST) and 12 policemen received CRS training. The CDC distributed posters to 1600 kindergartens. Police conduct CRS checks. However, penalties are not to be issued for CRS violations.

Conclusion In March 2017, Shanghai issued the amended traffic rules, including a provision that children under 4 riding in a family car must use CRS. However, continuous promotion and political buy-in is required to have more strict rules on CRS.

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