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PW 2917 Learning from off road accident – off road safe driving in KOC
  1. Mazharuddin Shaikh,
  2. Sami Al-Enezi,
  3. Majed Al-Mutairi
  1. Kuwait Oil Company, Kuwait


The paper focusses on the lesson learned from fatal accident that has occurred in KOC on off-road. The incident demonstrated that even small mistakes can have a life threatening consequences. This type of incidents have high likelihood of occurring due to regular movement on off- road at KOC Oil and Gas Fields.

Method Managing Safety in Off-Road has become extremely challenging, as it possesses risk, which goes to a new extreme in the desert. As an industry leader, Kuwait Oil Company is constantly working to manage issues related to off-road driving. The ‘Safe Off-Road Driving’ program comprised of a highly interactive presentation, a briefing on crucial checks followed by an in-vehicle practical session where the delegates drove on a specially developed driving track containing a wide variety of off-road situations such as rough terrain, water crossings, heaps, flow lines crossing, etc.

Observations O and G fields in KOC are situated in predominantly desert areas, which comprises of many existing facilities and upcoming projects. The remoteness and vastness of the locations renders off-road driving more challenging. Unknown hazards of off-road may lead to fatal incident. One must always be prepared for any possible situation when driving the less predictable off-roads.

Results The program had a total of 306 delegates (53% from company and 47% from business partners) had participated. The overall program showcased that anyone can successfully drive off-road by knowing the hazards presents and simply following the basic set of guidelines.

Conclusions A feedback from the participant was obtained following the simulated off-road driving which mentioned that the practical driving experience on the track challenged the driver to think differently about the off-road hazards and removed the ‘accidents happen to others’ mentality.

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