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PW 1874 From exceptional parties network to the creation of a volunteer police girl (namwan unit) bueng kan province
  1. Santisook Suthikulsombat
  1. Provincial Police Bueng Kan


Not enough police force affects people in the area. They must have suffered from road traffic accidents due to traffic and travel. Accidents are likely to increase and traveling seems to be inconvenient and unsafe resulting in the loss of life and their properties. Solutions: Bueng Kan Provincial Police and Network party together with Road Traffic Prevention and Correction at Provincial level, Bueng Kan have mutual concept that the problem solved in the area can achieve sustainable success. Whether it is acceptable or not, there must be people in the area to participate in the management area. There are road accidents from traffic and travel at the city level, suburbs and police villages. There are no volunteer police officers in the house. If there is training for volunteer, it must be a good thing. This idea is proposed to the governor of Bueng Kan. The governor gave a testimony of training a unit of 120 people and called by ‘NamWan Unit, BuengKan Province’ To complete the training course of the National Police, everyone goes to work area with police escorts, district and local agents. The main focus is ‘To work with faith, to volunteer with mind’. The results can reduce the impact of road accidents from less traffic. Thus, travel is more convenient. Compliance with safety rules regarding the use of road vehicles along with wearing a helmet and using a seat belt increased. When the 1 st Unit was successful, the governor supports training budget for Unit 2 and Unit 3 respectively. Local government, the president of the Provincial Administration Organization of Bueng Kae, the provincial network of CSOs, has set up Unit 4 to expand its area. At present, there are 480 volunteers in the area. Achievement: The results of operation of ‘Namwan Unit’ was clear. During New Year and Songkran Festival, in 2016 and 2017, from the setting of joint test site and the rapid mobility of Namwan Unit volunteers, publicity warning about using the road, wearing a hat, Safety (Mother Alert Child Wife warned her husband) and arrested the drunk driver and co-driver with the police. District representatives and local authorities in Bueng Kan province, there were no deaths from drunk driving traffic management in front of the school to prevent accidents is formed. Supports that can happen behind unexpected circumstances include crime and drug issues. There are co-operative inspection at border crossings, security, tourist attractions, community fairs, and other social assistance. To create sustainability and provide direct and on-line communication and direct communication by bringing the police chief through police escorts, district and local representatives, as well as occasional refresher training.

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