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PW 0733 Legislation change for adaptive and safe driving for people with disabilities
  1. Karine Gabrielyan1,
  2. Kristina Gyurjyan2
  1. 1Ministry of Health
  2. 2Yerevan, Armenia


This success story is on how the right of vulnerable people was restored thanks to the responsive, inclusive and participatory governance and inter-sectoral collaboration.

Background In October 2012, in the frame of Road Traffic Safety the Government of Armenia (GoA) changed the legislation on Driver Medical Certification. As a result monocular vision and impairments of upper and lower limbs were included in the list of Medical Restrictions to Driving.

Following the adoption of the new regulation, citizens with the above mentioned disabilities were disqualified from holding driving license. In response to continuous concern raised by Ombudsmen and other stakeholders, the Ministry of Health initiated establishment of Multi-sectoral Working Group (MSWG) to address this regulatory gap. The goal of MSWG (composed of representatives of Ministries of Health, Transport, Road Police, ‘ACHILLES’ center for protection of drivers’ rights NGO) was to prepare recommendations for amendments to regulations for restoring disabled citizens’ right to drive – without jeopardizing public traffic safety.

Legislation change: In August 2017, based on recommendations of the MSWG amendments to the Regulation on Driver Medical Certification were made by the GoA. Thanks to the amendments the disabled citizens were given the right to drive adaptive vehicles as followed: ‘For drivers with monocular vision an adaptive vehicle is one -equipped with a parking acoustic signal system. In the case of upper or lower limb disorders, the adaptation of the vehicle from the technical point of view is overtaken by the Road Police based on the technical requirements for motor vehicles for disabled drivers with hand and foot function disorders (GOST 33668–2015 standards-maintained by the Euro-Asian Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification).

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