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PW 0208 Road traffic injuries in poland: magnitude and risk factors
  1. Krzysztof Goniewicz1,
  2. Mariusz Goniewicz2,
  3. Dorota Lasota3
  1. 1Polish Air Force Academy, Deblin, Poland
  2. 2Medical University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland
  3. 3Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland


The article presents the epidemiology of road crashes in Poland in the years 2004–2014. The research is based on the analysis of data contained in the reports of the Prevention and Analysis Office of Road Traffic Headquarters of Police; National Road Safety Program– GAMBIT 2005, National Road Safety Program 2013 to 2020; and Strategy for Efficient State in 2020, plus previous publications describing road safety in Poland. Our results suggest several thousand people are killed on Polish roads annually, and tens of thousands are injured. Road crashes represent the leading cause of death for Polish men up to 44 years of age. The most common causes of road crashes in Poland include failure to comply with the rules of the road traffic (mainly excessive speed, intoxication while engaged in traffic, and lack of respect for the rights of other road users, especially disregard for the rights of pedestrians and cyclists), and low driving skills. We also found drivers poorly assessed road situations, possessed a lack of adequate road infrastructure, and maintained many vehicles in poor condition. Drivers caused the majority of MVA in Poland in years 2004 to 2014. The most common underlying causes were inappropriate speed given the road traffic conditions and not respecting the right-of-way concerning other road users. Despite various measures that are being taken to improve safety on Polish roads, the number of the dead and wounded as a result of road crashes is still very high. It is necessary to continue multifaceted actions to improve safety on the roads in Poland.

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