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SM 03-2309 Innovative approaches to capacity development for injury prevention in low- and middle-income countries
  1. Abdulgafoor Bachani1,
  2. Nhan Tran2,
  3. Olive Kobusingye3,
  4. Shirin Wadhwaniya1,
  5. Adnan A Hyder1
  1. 1Johns Hopkins International Injury Research Unit, Health Systems Program, Department of International Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
  2. 2Department of Violence and Injury Prevention, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
  3. 3Makerere University School of Public Health, Kampala, Uganda


Background Despite the high burden of injuries, many low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) lack trained human resources for practice and research in injury prevention. Furthermore, those who are trained receive very little formal training or mentoring on translating knowledge into practice. There is also a dearth of training programs that are designed for, and implemented in these settings. Many training programs that are available are often expensive and out of reach for individuals in these settings.

Description This panel will focus on innovative approaches for capacity development – at the individual, and institutional levels, in the field of injury prevention in LMICs. The speakers on this panel have been involved in developing and implementing innovative capacity development programs in LMICs, and will introduce these approaches, as well as share their key features, strengths, and challenges. Dr. Adnan Hyder will chair the panel.


  1. Strengthening global capacity for violence and injury prevention: Dr. Nhan Tran will discuss strategies and opportunities for building and strengthening global capacity for violence and injury prevention.

  2. Strengthening leadership capacity for effective implementation of road safety programs: Dr. Abdulgafoor Bachani will discuss the development and implementation of the Global Road Safety Leadership Course, an innovative course that focuses on building leadership capacity to design, advocate for, and implement effective road safety programs and policies.

  3. Developing institutional capacity for research in injury prevention and control: Dr. Olive Kobusingye will discuss lessons learnt from embedding trauma, injury, and disability training within public health curriculum in a LMIC.

  4. Leveraging e-learning platforms for injury prevention: Ms. Shirin Wadhwaniya will discuss the development and implementation of a free, online, on-demand certificate course for road traffic injury prevention and control in LMICs.

Conclusion This panel will end with a discussion on strategies for developing sustainable capacity for injury prevention in LMICs.

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