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SM 01-2343 Darpi: envisioning data in a new light
  1. Michael Ballesteros
  1. Centers for Disease Control, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Atlanta, GA USA


The Statistics, Programming, and Economics Branch (SPEB) includes teams for Programming, Statistics, Health Economics, and Informatics. This branch is responsible for advanced economic and statistical collaborations across NCIPC programs, support for IT system development and management, center IT security compliance, and the development and maintenance of online web tools and databases. Recently, SPEB has added an interactive data visualization application and a child maltreatment return on investment calculator to the center’s Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS), built an online portal for secure and efficient exchange of information with external partners, and led economic and statistical analyses on key center priorities. In the future, SPEB plans to continue to modernize the IT infrastructure of WISQARS as well as increase the platform’s capacity to host additional data and tools, expand the use of the cloud for data processing and analysis, and address critical gaps in economic and data science.

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