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PW 1830 Evaluation of the efficacy and acceptability of the BC hockey mandate for team officials to complete the concussion awareness training tool
  1. Shelina Babul1,2,
  2. Kyle Scoten1,3,
  3. Kate Turcotte1
  1. 1BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  2. 2University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  3. 3Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada


Background The Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT) is a series of online educational modules and resources with the goal of standardizing concussion recognition, diagnosis, treatment, and management ( Based upon the established principles of the Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport, CATT caters to coaches, players/participants, and parents, as well as medical and school professionals.

CATT for parents, players and coaches launched in 2014 with an e-learning module and resources, including the Concussion Response Tool and Questions to Ask Your Doctor. Evaluation found parents/coaches demonstrated significant positive change in concussion knowledge (p=0.002) following the CATT training.

In June 2016, BC Hockey mandated CATT training for all team officials, to be completed prior to the 2016–2017 hockey season.

Aim To assess the efficacy and acceptability of the CATT training for the minor hockey community in British Columbia, Canada.

Methods Self-reported retrospective information on the efficacy and acceptability of the CATT training was collected via online survey. Quantitative and qualitative analyses were performed, with selected cross-tabulations.

Results The survey had a>10% response rate (n=1,593). CATT training led to a significant increase in self-reported concussion knowledge (p<0.001). Mandating CATT training for parents was supported by 68.4% of respondents, with females significantly more in favour than males (p<0.02).

Discussion and conclusions Sport plays an important role in maintaining mental and physical wellbeing, however, concussion is an under-recognized, -diagnosed and -treated medical condition. CATT addresses this gap by increasing knowledge and awareness among appropriate specific audiences. The BC Hockey mandate for CATT training successfully increased the level of concussion-related knowledge among team officials. Mandating the CATT for parents of BC Hockey players should be strongly considered. This resource supports the implementation of a standardized protocol for the recognition, treatment, and management of sport-related concussions, both in the minor hockey leagues and other sports, in BC.

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