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PA 10-5-0188 Intersectoral mechanisms to support womens victims of violence in tunisia
  1. Hela Ouennich1,
  2. Ramzi Ouhichi2,
  3. Rym Fayala3,
  4. Sonia Ben Cheikh4,
  5. Hela Skhiri5
  1. 1ONFP Health Ministry
  2. 2WHO
  3. 3UNFPA
  4. 4Health Ministry
  5. 5UnWomen Tunisia


On 25 November 2008, Tunisia adopted a national strategy to combat violence against women. In this context, the Pilot Project was launched: ‘Setting up intersectoral mechanisms for the care of women victims of violence’.

Specific objectives

  • Develop cross–sectoral protocols to ensure comprehensive care for women victims of violence

  • Monitor the intersectoral care process.

Methodology This experience was initiated in Ben Arous around the center of psychological assistance to women victims of violence since 2015. Firstly, we organized training sessions for the first line stakeholders. Secondly, we identified sectoral measures and common principles for each sector. Then we established a network in the pilot area (Ben Arous). And finally, we implement the project through the organization of regular regional meetings. Depending on the availability of services, interventions take place at the local, regional and national level. In parallel, we design ministerial focal points to facilitate the implementation of the project.

Main results

  • Elaboration of sectoral procedures that develop the modes of management of care specific to each sector: Health, Social, Justice, Women protection and Security. In december 2016: the five ministers signed sectoral procedures.

  • Elaboration of Tools for intersectoral work

    1. The contact sheet

    2. The protection strategies

    3. Safety evaluation sheet and

    4. Violence description sheet

  • The intersectoral mecanisms identified:

  • A reference coordination structure at regional level;

  • A consultative instance made up of stakeholders working at the local, regional and national level organized monthly to exchange about women victims of violence. It facilitate the monitoring of intersectoral work

Main resultsThe intersectoral convention that regulate all the procedures at the national level. It was signed recently in January 2018 at the ministry level.

Next steps Develop a common digital-sectoral referral system/platform

Subsequently; implementation at national level progressively

A documentary spot of the project will be presented after the presentation.

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