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PW 2417 Study of safety, health & environmental management systems in power projects during construction in india 2005–2010
  1. Narayanam Narasimha Murthy
  1. Jagruthi Kiran Consultants, Nagpur, India


Background Safety, Health and Environment are most important aspects of an organisation’s smooth and effective functioning. Good health and safety performance ensures an accident free industrial environment. Organisations have started attaching the same importance to achieve high OH and S performance as they do to other key aspects of their business activities.

Objectives To examine: 1) SHE aspects in power projects during construction. 2) Risk involved when people working at heights. 3) Individual risk assessment techniques. 4) Need of training and awareness to meet the need of this industry. 5) Safety, Health aspects with labour. 6) Reasons for accidents in Power Projects during construction

Results 1) SHE conditions at Power Projects under construction in India (Vidarbha) are very poor. 2) Power Projects under construction have huge scope to develop SHE conditions 3) There are accidents at regular intervals at Power Projects under construction. 4) There is no concern of organizations management to workers as far as their Safety and Health issues are concerned. 5) There is need to enhance the awareness on Safety and Health issues of personnel. 6) Need to train the people who are working at Power Projects on Safety, Health.

Conclusions The study helps in: 1) Understanding how companies are dealing the issues related to SHE in day to day working at these Power Project sites. 2) To know SHE conditions. 3) Once conditions are known, they can be improved and better working conditions can be achieved for better efficiency, more man-hours of work and better output. 4) Knowing the problems related to SHE in this industry and remedies also can be suggested.

  • Safety
  • Health
  • Power Projects
  • India

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