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PW 0451 Injuries and health risks awareness of electronic waste workers in the informal sector in nigeria
  1. Chimere May Ohajinwa1,
  2. Peter M van Bodegom1,
  3. Martina G Vijver1,
  4. Adesola O Olumide2,
  5. Oladele Osibanjo2,
  6. Willie JGM Peijnenburg1,3
  1. 1Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands
  2. 2University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
  3. 3National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven, Netherland


The prevalence of work-related injuries among electronic waste (e-waste) workers in developing countries is unknown. Insight into the health risk awareness levels of e-waste workers is important as it may offer opportunities for better e-waste recycling management strategies and occupational safety to reduce the injuries and other health effects of informal e-waste recycling. Therefore, this study assessed the injury prevalence, knowledge, attitude, and practices associated with occupational health risk awareness of e-waste workers compared with a control group (butchers) in the informal sector in Nigeria.

This cross-sectional study adopted a multistage sampling method to select 279 respondents (repairers and dismantlers) and 221 butchers from the informal sector in three cities (Ibadan, Lagos and Aba) in Nigeria. A questionnaire was used to obtain information on socio-demographic backgrounds, occupational history, injury occurrences knowledge, attitude, and work practices from the respondents.

Despite the high injury prevalence of 38% and 68% in 1–2 weeks and 6 months preceding the study respectively among e-waste workers, only 18% of them use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The three job designations had significantly different knowledge, attitude, and practice mean scores (p=0.000), with butchers consistently having the highest mean scores. Only 43% of e-waste workers (34% of repairers and 53% of dismantlers) could mention one or more PPE needed for their job compared with 70% of the butchers. The health risk awareness level of the e-waste workers was significantly lower compared with their counterparts in the same informal sector. A positive correlation existed between the workers’ knowledge and their attitude and practice.

There is high prevalence of occupational injuries and low health risk awareness level among the e-waste workers compared to their counterparts in the same informal setting. Therefore, devising strategies to increase e-waste workers’ awareness on their occupational health and safety may decrease risky practices.

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