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The success of the Road Accident Prevention Project in working groups at district level, 2 pilot districts, namely, Tha Sala and Thungsong. The provincial team worked closely to create a set of knowledge and concepts in order to expand the incidence of road traffic incidents through workshop between the provincial and district teams. The goal is to reduce the number of deaths and injuries from road injuries in pilot areas. The purpose is to build and develop a network of road safety according to the context of district area for improvement. This was the main factor of road accident in the pilot area. It is a Participatory Action Research, PAR and a lesson to drive for community safety WHO (Strategic 5S, 5Ch). The 8 districts include ThungSong, ThaSala, ThungYai, Chawang, Phipon, phromkiri, Sichol, HuaiSai. They were selected based on the severity of the accidents and the readiness of the area under three questionnaires 1. A development of an appropriate format to allow parties to the network level, the district participates in the prevention of road accidents for each district 2. A method to deal with the main factors of road accidents in the district 3. Factors that influence appropriate development for the involvement of the parties to the network at district level from June 2015– May 2016. Gather information by in-depth interview, participatory observation, secondary information of the community, analysis of data by identifying and summarizing each sub-topic from the process and learning process in each step, based on a participatory action research framework and descriptive analysis. Research Findings: 1. The development of the district road traffic prevention model will begin to form and lay the groundwork for a multidisciplinary team focused on horizontal and information use. Thus, it leads to systematic work by identifying key risk factors and contributing to the area. 2. Principles of risk management. It’s easy to choose the risk. Seeking participation from the area is easy. All districts selected risk points and helmet as the main risks which can be implemented concretely 3. The factors influencing the development of the model are external factors because Road Safety Center has only the structure but there is no work which is a barrier to embedding the system into a routine. Next is the lack of support from the agency, internal factors come from lack of knowledge, skills and inspiration of leaders. As a result, there are only five districts in operation: Thungsong, Thasai, Thungyai, Chawang, Phipoon. Summary Reviews and Recommendations: There should be a road accident prevention committee.