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PW 0628 Safe kids new jersey’s home safe home – reducing unintentional childhood injuries in the home
  1. Carol Ann Giardelli,
  2. Robyn D’Oria,
  3. G Melissa Garcia,
  4. Cheryl AS McFarland
  1. Central Jersey Family Health Consortium, North Brunswick, NJ, USA


Background As part of our statewide childhood injury prevention education efforts, Safe Kids New Jersey, led by Central Jersey Family Health Consortium launched the Home Safe Home pilot program in 2013 to reduce preventable home injuries among young children. Home Safe Home is a replicable, evidence based model that incorporates strategies to increase knowledge and awareness, thereby improving safety in a child’s home environment.

Home Safe Home kits were provided at no cost to strengthen at-risk, low-income families by removing financial barriers to acquiring safety devices. The program provided the opportunity to work directly with home visitation programs and provide high risk families with key home safety education along with safety devices to help prevent needless injuries.

Methods In total, 94 families participated in the home visitation based study. Intervention group families received education and home safety devices during the first home visit and follow-up during the second. Control group families received education at the first home visit and safety devices were distributed at the second visit upon need. Data collected included usage of safety devices, a home assessment, pre/post surveys, and home injury reduction.

Results For those families receiving home safety education along with safety devices, there was 55% improvement of home safety, such that recommended usage of home safety devices, self-initiated safety interventions (tripping hazards, burn prevention, etc.), and safety precaution scores improved for both groups over time with the intervention group improving significantly more. In addition, the program provided leverage for enhancing capacity with increased funding and partnerships. In 2017, Home Safe Home was recognized by Safe Kids Worldwide for ‘Excellence in Home Safety in the U.S.’

Conclusions Provision of education and home safety devices through home visitation programs is an effective way to provide home safety education on unintentional injuries in the home.

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