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Background Violence and injury prevention, safety promotion, implementation of activities and programs, are key element of stretegies and actions plans regarding road safety, prevention of child abuse, domestic violence, gender equality and nondiscrimination. Evaluation of activity implementations are done by monitoring of relevant indicators, defining by law data sets, which are generated from evidence data basses, on-line or by periodic reporting.
Methods The relevant institutions have responsibility for delivering of draft strategy and action plans, in accordance to the previous implementation reports and analysis of current situations, participating in multi-sectoral working groups. In strategies are accepted evidence base approach, system of monitoring and evaluation of activities, accoording to the relevant data and information.
Results New approach in the recording and reporting systems, lock of timely and accurate information, especially in the reporting system for issuing medical certificates for obtaining a driver’s licenses, mainly on information regarding the health of potential drivers, and current driver’s diagnosis, that does not allow manage of motor vehicles, has directly impact on road safety. The implementation of IT support of existing reporting system at the national level, is expected increase of safety for roads users. This reporting system supports activities within the jurisdiction of the Ministries of Health, Police, Justice and Education, and others related to abuse, violence and injuru prevention, additionally involves the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Human and Minority Right and the Office of Ombudsman. All of these institutions, cooperate very closely with the Nongovernment sector and International organisations.
Conclusions The implementation of planned activities for 2018, will provide IT support at the national level of the recording and reporting systems for issued medical certificates for driver’s licenses, time respons of Emergency Health Departments, data on violence and injury, and ctrl.