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PW 1525 Target of SDGS ‘by 2020, halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents’: a baseline of child traffic injuries data in brazil
  1. Gabriela Guida de Freitas
  1. Safe Kids Brazil, Brazil


Sustainable Development Goals were adopted by the United Nations since 2015 and in order to measure the progress and to provide guidelines for planning local projects, it is crucial to have an initial picture of the situation in the countries. When we are talking about goal 3, there is a target related do road safety: By 2020, halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents. In Brazil, the scenario according to the Ministry of Health in 2015 is 4510 deaths in road traffic accidents among the population up to 19 years old. This represents a rate of 7.2 deaths per 1 00 000 inhabitants in this age group. This deaths are distributed as follows: pedestrians – 672 deaths (20%), vehycle – 1169 deaths (26%), bicycle – 190 deaths (4%), motorcycle – 1572 deaths (35%) and others – 907 deaths (15%). We see that the gender inequality increases as the child grows up, when they are 1 year old the proportion of deaths is 50% boys and 50% girls but in the age group 15 to 19 years old, this proportion reaches the impressive proportion: 81% of the deaths are boys against 19% girls. There are some organizations dedicated to child and young road safety in Brazil, Safe Kids Brazil focuses on prevention through education and advocacy at the national level regarding to the public up to 14 years old. Also there is a very important organization in the south of Brazil called ‘Vida Urgente’ that works with young people to avoid driving under the influence of alcohol. Providing a very brief legal scenario, alcohol usage is prohibited when driving, helmet and child car seats are mandatory, but the point is that there is a poor enforcement of these laws.

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