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PW 1422 Addressing gender and equity in road safety in thailand
  1. Liviu Vedrasco1,
  2. Sara Lopes Garcia1
  1. 1World Health Organization Thailand


Background Three quarters of deaths on Thai roads are among males, making masculinity a risk factor in traffic injuries. This is associated with a higher exposure due to male-associated professions and gender roles such as drunk-driving and speeding. Age is relevant with young men 18 to 30 at a higher risk. Rural-urban and educational level disparities exist, where rural, less educated men are at a greater risk of road traffic injuries. Traffic injuries are the second leading cause of death for children in Thailand, especially motorcycle accidents while helmet use in pillion passengers is problematic. Women face greater risk of economic hardship if the sole income earner of the household is a male who suffers a road traffic accident.

Methods A literature review was conducted on gender and equity (GE) and road safety topics addressing a) the global situation, b) the Thai context, and c) specific international examples of how GE is addressed and included 41 national and international documents.

Results GE in road safety is not adequately considered by Thai institutions and limited data disaggregation and analysis exists. Data on behaviours, sometimes stratify data by inequity determinants such as age and socioeconomic situation, but consistently ignores gender when analyzed and presented. Where GE gaps were detected, there are few policies to address them.

Conclusions Future disaggregation of data and an increase of the relevance given to its analysis, as well as advocacy and public awareness strategies, such GE elements in school road safety education, in the Thai context were suggested.

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