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PW 2457 Notifications of sexual violence and rape against women with disabilities in brazil: additional vulnerabilities
  1. Mariana Gonçalves de Freitas,
  2. Isabella Vitral Pinto,
  3. Maria de Fátima Marinho de Souza,
  4. Vinicius Oliveira de Moura Pereira
  1. Ministry of Health – Brazil


Introduction Sexual violence against women with disabilities is a relevant public health problem globally, considering the greater vulnerability of this group to violence and the limited health measures for this issue.

Objective To describe the characteristics of women with disabilities victims of sexual violence and rape who were notified in Brazil between 2011 and 2016.

Method This is a descriptive study based on reports of violence in the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN). Data were analyzed according to characteristics of the victims, the authors and the event.

Results Between 2011 and 2016, 86 264 cases of violence against persons with disabilities were notified, of whom 57 367 (66.5%) were female. 34.8% of these women had mental disorders, 24.4% had intellectual disabilities and 12.4% had physical disabilities. 50.6% are white and 39.4% are black. 9463 women were victims of sexual violence, of which 7376 cases of rape (77.9%). Among the notifications of rape, 50.6% were black, 50.0% were between 0 and 19 years old, 44.3% had intellectual disabilities, 56.1% occurred in homes and 39.7% occurred other times. 31.5% of the cases were practiced by unknown persons, 29.9% by family members and 28.2% by known persons. 17.2% of rapes were committed by 2 or more perpetrators. Prophylaxis against STI and HIV was performed in 39.6% and 36.5% of the cases, respectively; emergency contraception in 26.0% of cases.

Conclusion Women with disabilities are more vulnerable to violence, especially black children and adolescents. There is little access to the care line and prophylactic measures, which points out the need to strengthen the surveillance of violence and accidents and the networks of attention and protection to people in situation of violence in the territory.

  • Disabled Persons
  • Rape
  • Women’s Health
  • Sexual Violence.

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