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122 A plan for evaluating program success: using evaluation science to track outcomes and address research priorities in injury prevention
  1. Jeffrey Gordon1,
  2. Karin Teske2,
  3. Mildred Williams-Johnson1
  1. 1US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, National Centre for Injury Prevnetion and Control
  2. 2US University of Michigan


Statement of Purpose This study’s purpose was to evaluate the National Centre for Injury Prevention and Control’s (NCIPC) extramural research portfolio to: (1) Determine the distribution of investment and how it aligns to the CDC Injury Research Agenda: 2009–2018; (2) Identify the contribution of research findings to further injury and violence prevention knowledge, research, and practice; (3) Identify gaps in our analysis.

Methods/Approach A retrospective data collection was conducted using outcomes identified in published articles and annual reports that were outputs of research awards funded under Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOA) published from 2009–2015. These outcomes were used to assess NCIPC’s funded research contribution to the injury and violence prevention field and evaluate their alignment with its research agenda.

Results The evaluation results determined the impact of research outcomes on advancing the injury and violence prevention field and the extent to which NCIPC’s funded research aligned with the research agenda. Preliminary findings indicated that the 34 FOAs announced from 2009–2015 included 94 awards, addressing multiple injury and violence prevention topic areas. These data suggest that some injury topic areas changed during this time. For example, poisoning-related injuries was changed in 2013 to focus on opioid overdose.

Conclusions/Significance of Findings These findings will help determine the impact of outcomes from NCIPC’s funded research projects to advance the field of injury and violence prevention. In addition, NCIPC is currently developing a research priorities database that will include all extramural and intramural research activities, as well as capture the outputs and outcomes generated from these research activities. The findings from this project will serve as a benchmark for evaluation of NCIPC’s current research priorities and inform a more systematic approach for evaluating NCIPC’s research portfolio, including both quantitative and qualitative indicators.

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