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Purpose According to the Centres for Disease Control and the American College Health Association, a comprehensive strategy for campus-based sexual assault prevention should span individual, peer/partner, organisational, and community levels blended with universal, selective, and indicated approaches. Campus-based educational programs are one component of this broad strategy and are often implemented, but rarely evaluated. We present evaluation data from a theoretically-grounded sexual assault prevention program, Relationship Remix, administered on campus to first-year students at a large public university. Relationship Remix falls within the universal prevention domain and spans multiple socio-ecological levels by emphasising individual values and behaviour, including some content on bystander intervention, and being delivered by peers (e.g., trained student volunteers).
Methods/Approach First-year students attended the 1.5 hour program in groups during the first semester at a large, public Midwestern university. Students completed web-based surveys immediately before and after attending Relationship Remix. Data regarding attitudes and knowledge are reported among 2305 first-year students who were 55.1% female, 70.7% White, and 90.6% heterosexual.
Results On 8 of 10 questionnaire items assessing program-related knowledge and attitudes, students reported significantly more favourable responses at post-test. For example, students reported greater awareness of campus resources, ability to define consent, and confidence in communicating with partners.
Conclusion and Significance/Contribution The findings suggest that Relationship Remix positively impacts students’ beliefs and attitudes related to consensual sex and prevention of sexual misconduct. Future research should examine behavioural outcomes and whether this program may be effective in reducing sexual misconduct within multi-pronged prevention strategies. This study provides critical information to inform future prevention programming strategies for campus sexual assault.