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236 Promoting safety in the most hazardous location through a home safety demonstration site
  1. Katherine Celenza
  1. Kidsafe Western Australia, Australia


Background More children die from injury than from cancer, asthma and infectious diseases combined and the most common location for injuries to occur are within the home setting. Children, specifically those under five spend majority of their time within the home, it is the place where parents feel comfortable, confident and are aware of all of its features. Kidsafe Western Australia houses a Safety Demonstration House, established in 2006 and provides interactive displays to target injury prevention strategies and approaches to prevent child injury within the home.

Objective This paper will outline the services offered through the safety demonstration house and how it is helping to raise awareness and provide interactive opportunities to see injury prevention in practice. The Kidsafe WA Safety Demonstration house provides a range of services to highlight points of potential injury in the home and methods of injury prevention. The demonstration site provides physical examples of particular home settings, applied safety latches, barriers and child resistant products that participants can view, touch and test. The site also provides photographic and interactive information to align with the displays and products provided.

Results The Kidsafe WA Safety Demonstration House runs services targeting parents and carers, students, professionals and anyone interested in child safety seeing 220 participants specifically utilising the house within the last year. These services include self guided and guided tours, mobile information provided through Quick Response codes and an online safety demonstration house. This paper will also outline where the safety house started, how it has developed and where it is heading. With a new building to soon house the site a purpose built area will see a new purpose build updated and revamped Kidsafe WA Safety Demonstration House.

Conclusions The aim of the Kidsafe WA Safety Demonstration House is to provide interactive and physical displays and information to increase awareness and knowledge of parents, carers, health professionals and the community in regards to childhood injuries. This is intended to promote child safety measures and to ultimately reduce the incidence of child injuries that occur within the home.

  • Safety
  • Demonstration
  • House
  • Injuries

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