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231 Safety week ski municipality, Norway
  1. Liv Marit Bølset
  1. Health Promotion Adviser, Ski Municipality, Norway


Background In 1991 it was a very terrible accident with a small bus. Parents with many children were hurts and no one used seatbelts. Our public health nurses started to ask the parents about seatbelts and this was the start of the Safety Week. Since then the Safety Week has developed into a judge arrangement once a year. This is also the beginning of Safe community in Ski.

Methods This is a cross sectorial work with many professionals from health, education, police, fire department and doctors. Three working groups organise the lessons for the target groups. The lessons are given during 7 days and for seniors there are several courses over a long period. The target groups are: parents for children up to 18 months, students in 8th degrees and minorities groups, seniors and employees. The themes for the lessons are: first aid, road safety, fire prevention and domestics’ violence.

Results Safety Week is held once a year in September while more simplified days throughout the year, whether it is linked with Safety Week. Most of the teaching is both theoretical and practical. About 1000 inhabitant distributed among the various target groups participating in the teaching organised by Safety Week each year. The youth in 8th degrees are new every year. Instruction for this group results in a systematic training in the population. The schools follow up the teaching.

Conclusions Feedback from audiences and from professionals who teach shows that teaching is of high quality and is very relevant.

  • First Aid
  • road safety
  • fire prevention
  • domestics’
  • violence

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