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165 The Swedish national information system for traffic accidents and injuries; experiences from the implementation process
  1. Tomas Fredlund,
  2. Monica Frank
  1. The Swedish Transport Agency


Background The process towards a new Swedish information system was launched in 1993 when the Swedish Road Administration was commissioned by the Swedish government to investigate and propose a development for the Swedish traffic accident data.

The investigation was conducted and as a result the Swedish government commissioned the Swedish Road Administration in 1996 to initiate a new information system covering injuries and accidents in the entire road traffic system.1

Methods The first data collection in the new common information system – Strada (Swedish Traffic Accident Data Aqcuisition) – started in four geographic areas in 1999.

Since 2003 the official statistics of road traffic injuries are based on data extracted from the police reports in Strada.

From 2009 onwards the Swedish Transport Agency is the authority responsible for Strada.

In 2015, all but one county report to Strada on a complete basis. One remaining hospital is yet to join.

Results Data from two sources – the police and the hospitals – provides more detailed information, thus increasing the knowledge of road traffic injuries and accidents.

By accessing Strada’s web-based system for extraction of information without intermediaries or by requesting information from the Swedish Transport Agency, municipalities, researchers etc. can make use of the information. In practice, Strada is capable of providing a basis for national, regional and local traffic safety efforts.

Conclusions Strada was created in close collaboration with all parties concerned. The efforts to maintain as well as develop the information system continue and from the last 15–20 years there are lessons to be learned. Lessons concerning collaboration between agencies, financing, legislative issues, software development and more.

When hospital data is included there is a decrease in the number of unrecorded cases, since the police have limited knowledge about some road traffic accidents (mainly involving unprotected road users: pedestrians, cyclists and moped drivers). In addition, the hospitals’ reporting of diagnoses broadens the knowledge of the injuries and their degree of seriousness.


  1. The governmental commission was accomplished in co-operation with the Swedish Police, the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare, the Swedish Institute for Transport and Communications Analysis, Statistics Sweden and the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions.

  • Traffic safety
  • accident data
  • information system

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