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Key and Abbreviations:
A refers to the page number, followed by the abstract number.
abbreviated injury scale A280 783
Aboriginal A22, A23, A23, A74, A85, A187, A250 57, 58, 60, 203, 235, 520, 698
abuse A103, A105, A142, A157, A160, A160 282, 288, 389, 430, 439, 440
accident investigation A191 529
Accident Prevention A84, A154, A355 230, 422, 999
Accident/Injury Prevention A345 969
Accidental falls A37, A181 98, 502
accidental injuries A65, A327 178, 919
Accidents A29, A55, A144, A152, A197, A310, A312, A332, A357 76, 151, 395, 416, 547, 870, 876, 935, 1005
accident A34, A191, A195, A265, A300, A315 89, 529, 540, 738, 841, 884
Acknowledge and Save life A362, A362 1016, 1017
action plan A94, A205 257, 572
active transportation A238, A322 664, 904
Administrative Reform A355 1000
adolescent drivers A302, A303 847, 850
adolescent safety A253, A367 707, 1030
adolescents A28, A106, A220, A314, A316, A323, A326, A335, A346, A352 74, 291, 615, 881, 886, 906, 915, 943, 973, 990
adolescent A57, A169, A173, A246, A265, A346, A358 156, 464, 477, 687, 739, 972, 1006
Adult Protective Services A64 174
Adverse childhood experiences A105, A280 286, 782
adverse childhood experience A171 470
adverse drug events A64, A200 175, 557
advocacy A121, A276, A313 331, 773, 878
Ageing A23, A69, A177 60, 190, 488
Age A21, A70, A262 54, 193, 732
agriculture safety technology A368 1033
Agriculture A132, A133, A234, A235, A315 362, 363, 653, 655, 884
Albania A94, A259, A331 257, 721, 930
Alcohol and other drugs A230 639
alcohol associated crimes A199 554
alcohol attributable fraction A114 313
Alcohol Use A142, A198 388, 549
alcohol-impaired driving A109 300
alcohol-related injuries A110 302
alcohol A21, A63, A94, A99, A108, A197, A198, A201, A226, A227, A303, A331, A350 53, 171, 259, 271, 297, 547, 550, 560, 631, 632, 849, 930, 983
Alpine skiing A57, A57 154, 155
Anabaptist populations A317 891
and parental education A333 937
and parental modelling A248 693
animal-drawn vehicles A317 891
Arctic Safety A91, A228 249, 636
assistive technology A368 1033
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder A303 850
attitudes A121, A123, A157, A207, A351 332, 337, 431, 577, 987
Autism spectrum disorder A173, A302 478, 847
Automobile driving legislation A183 508
background factors A21, A24 55, 62
Bangladesh A42, A61, A140, A140, A207, A241, A244, A260, A264, A279, A286, A304, A309, A336, A361, A363, A370 114, 166, 382, 384, 576, 672, 679, 724, 736, 779, 801, 852, 867, 944, 1013, 1018, 1039
baseball-related injury A267 745
Basic Education Core Curriculum A27 69
bath-assisting devices A363 1019
behaviour change A90, A249, A273 247, 694, 762
behaviour A39, A121, A211 103, 332, 588
benchmarking A102, A312 279, 875
bicycle helmet A90, A302 246, 848
Bicycle A27, A76, A321 71, 208, 901
bio-medical waste management and medication safety A276 773
Biopsychosocial coaching A282 790
boating transport A22, A356 56, 1001
body checking A267, A269 744, 750
brain injury A56, A77, A240 153, 210, 668
Brazil A201, A219, A231, A372 559, 612, 642, 1045
Built Environmental Analysis A310 871
built environment A147, A220, A28, A307 403, 615, 72, 861
bullying A158, A208, A253, A327 434, 578, 707, 920
burden of injury A18, A41, A154 45, 111, 422
burn centre A284, A284 794, 795
burn injury A284, A284, A286, A300 794, 795, 801, 842
Burns children community A88 242
Burns A38, A39, A61, A151, A152, A152, A280, A286, A298 102, 104, 166, 412, 416, 417, 784, 799, 836
burn A28, A41, A150, A299, A301 73, 110, 411, 837, 844
Capacity Building A122, A146, A243, A37 333, 399, 676, 97
capacity development A11, A11, A12, A242 28, 29, 30, 675
Car seat A249, A320, A326 694, 898, 916
carbon monoxide poisoning A299 837
Care-Seeking Behaviour A372 1045
case-control study A230, A324 641, 910
case-control A146, A168 400, 461
Champion Organisation A254 710
Charlson Comorbidity Index A181 500
Child abuse A104, A167, A170, A257, A257, A258 284, 459, 468, 716, 718, 719
child and adolescent safety A91 249
Child injuries A131, A147, A326, A328 359, 402, 916, 922
Child injury prevention A155, A165, A193, A254, A330 425, 453, 537, 710, 928
child injury A366, A44, A48, A66, A74, A104, A148, A262 1026, 119, 129, 181, 203, 283, 405, 730
Child maltreatment within the family A106 289
child maltreatment A79, A93, A104, A105, A159, A161, A170, A171, A171, A257, A257 217, 255, 283, 287, 437, 441, 468, 470, 471, 716, 718
child occupant protection A89 245
child passenger safety A50, A89, A188, A323 136, 245, 522, 907
Child passenger A184, A326 511, 916
Child pedestrian motor vehicle collisions A147 403
Child pedestrian safety A156, A333 429, 938
Child physical A170, A257 468, 716
child protection A366, A160, A258 1027, 440, 719
Child Restraint System Use A184 509
Child restraint systems utilisation A265 740
child restraint system A252 704
child restraints A131, A135, A328 358, 369, 922
Child Road Safety Policy A156 428
child safety seats A131, A184 358, 511
child safety A50, A65, A82, A117, A153, A186, A270, A319, A345, A363, A367 134, 177, 225, 320, 418, 516, 753, 895, 969, 1019, 1030
child sexual abuse material online A366 1027
child youth and mental health A102 278
Childhood injuries A327, A333, A334 918, 937, 941
childhood injury and drowning A363 1019
childhood injury prevention A234 652
childhood injury A50, A139, A236, A241 135, 379, 659, 672
childhood A101, A104, A166, A250 277, 284, 455, 696
Children and safety A303, A304 851, 854
Children Poisoning Medication Safety A344 967
children’s centres A44, A248 119, 690
children A27, A31, A40, A42, A45, A45, A45, A65, A75, A77, A94, A94, A96, A97, A97, A123, A127, A133, A134, A151, A165, A166, A166, A167, A167, A168, A170, A189, A204, A207, A218, A219, A232, A233, A233, A248, A251, A257, A259, A261, A299, A306, A317, A323, A324, A325, A328, A329, A329, A330, A330, A337, A340, A344, A359, A363 71, 82, 106, 112, 120, 121, 122, 176, 207, 210, 257, 258, 263, 265, 267, 335, 348, 363, 367, 412, 452, 456, 457, 458, 460, 461, 469, 524, 567, 575, 608, 610, 647, 648, 649, 692, 700, 717, 721, 728, 839, 859, 889, 908, 911, 913, 923, 925, 926, 927, 929, 947, 956, 968, 1009, 1020
child A23, A66, A87, A146, A160, A173, A175, A190, A220, A232, A247, A250, A253, A258, A28, A293, A294, A320, A324 58, 73, 180, 240, 400, 439, 478, 484, 526, 613, 646, 688, 698, 706, 720, 820, 821, 898, 910
China A50, A115, A115, A174, A199, A226, A247, A258 136, 315, 317, 479, 553, 630, 688, 720
clinical application A367 1029
clinical presentation A345 970
Co morbidity – Both mental and addiction challenges A198 551
Coastal drowning fatalities A297 832
Code of caring A324, A330 911, 929
cognitive development A45, A57 122, 156
cohort studies A110, A137 301, 374
Cohort study A44, A99 118, 270
collaboration project A149 408
collaboration A83, A116, A118, A370, A372 228, 319, 323, 1040, 1046
collecting accident data A371 1044
Colombia A126, A187, A192 344, 518, 534
communication impairment A103 282
communication A169, A212, A266 466, 592, 743
community checkpoints A117, A223 321, 621
community crèche A50, A363 135, 1018
Community involvement A107, A224 292, 625
Community mobilisation A66, A251 181, 699
community safety A83, A125, A159, A223 229, 342, 436, 622
Community Traffic Safety Checkpoint A221 617
Community with full capacity of community traffic safety checkpoint A221 617
community-based study A142 387
community-based A14, A15, A119, A162 36, 38, 325, 444
community A22, A155, A161, A164, A169, A336 57, 426, 442, 451, 465, 944
compensation A71, A263, A368 194, 734, 1035
Complex adaptive systems A192 532
complex safety measures A196 544
complex treatment method A282 788
compliance assessment A289 809
compliance management A128 349
Computerised Decision Support Systems A214 599
concussion A56, A59, A95, A96, A96, A240, A240, A245, A267, A269 153, 160, 261, 262, 263, 668, 669, 682, 744, 750
construction industry A229 638
construction A371, A209, A210 1041, 582, 586
Consultation A161, A250 442, 698
Consumer product safety A127 347
consumer products safety A127 346
control and command unit( patient safety committee) in hospitals A276 773
Cooperation between the authorities A20 51
Coordination A204, A348 569, 979
Copenhagen Burnout Inventory A70 192
Corporal Punishment A158, A257 435, 717
corporate social responsibility A55 150
Cost-Effectiveness analysis A301 845
cost A42, A42, A60, A244, A299 112, 113, 163, 679, 837
CPR A241, A292, A298 673, 817, 834
crashes A53, A150, A189, A307, A311, A319 143, 410, 525, 861, 873, 894
crash A62, A91, A109, A132, A187 169, 250, 298, 361, 519
Critical infrastructure A46 125
critically ill patients A279 781
Crush Protection Device A54 147
culture A35, A153, A168 92, 419, 462
customised information A367 1032
cyber-physical system A278 778
Cyberbully victimisation A329 924
cycling infrastructure A108 295
cyclists A107, A108, A194 293, 296, 538
dangerous passenger drop-off A28 72
data linkage A26, A104, A110, A307 68, 283, 302, 863
data taxonomies A297, A361 831, 1015
database A102, A183, A334 279, 507, 941
death A42, A178, A187, A272, A337 113, 491, 518, 760, 949
decision support system A30 80
decision-making A129, A183 354, 506
delay of recall action A289 809
Depression A202, A280, A349, A352 562, 782, 981, 991
descriptive epidemiology A70 193
determinants A166, A341 455, 960
developing countries A51, A115, A314 139, 315, 882
developing country A160, A244, A313 439, 679, 878
development A232, A293 646, 820
Direct and indirect aggression A351 986
Disabilities A55, A173, A258 151, 478, 719
Disability A11, A18, A42, A43, A158, A173, A212, A242, A243, A261, A284, A368 28, 47, 114, 117, 434, 476, 592, 675, 677, 728, 794, 1034
Disaster Risk Reduction A47 126
dissemination A73, A342 202, 963
distracted driving A273, A274 764, 765
distraction A67, A168, A322 183, 463, 905
domestic violence A13, A13, A16, A158, A206, A260, A352 32, 33, 40, 433, 573, 725, 989
Drinking and driving prevention and control A183 508
drinking and driving A199, A226 553, 630
driver behaviour A306, A320 860, 900
Driver distraction and inattention A273 762
driving-impairing medicines A109 299
Driving A69, A21, A198, A309 190, 53, 550, 866
drowning fatalities data A361, A297 1015, 831
drowning interventions A297 831
Drowning prevention A87, A97, A97, A241, A242, A293, A294, A296, A297 238, 265, 266, 673, 674, 820, 822, 827, 832
drowning A97, A98, A98, A99, A99, A22, A241, A241, A292, A294, A295, A296, A296, A297, A338, A338, A356, A359, A359, A360 267, 268, 269, 270, 272, 56, 671, 672, 818, 821, 826, 828, 830, 833, 950, 952, 1001, 1009, 1010, 1011
duration to operation A214 596
dynamic interventions A119 325
early child development A146 398
economic and social impact A43 116
economic burden A150, A244, A299 411, 679, 837
education and training A41, A324 110, 909
Education intervention A188 522
educational activities A356 1002
Educational intervention A66 181
Education A62, A69, A74, A87, A201, A230, A24, A248, A253, A299, A311, A372 170, 190, 204, 238, 559, 639, 63, 692, 706, 839, 873, 1046
Effective intervention A324 910
Effectiveness A40, A106, A158, A237 108, 289, 435, 662
elderly people A62, A19, A342 168, 50, 962
elderly A38, A64, A114, A178, A179, A200, A300, A340, A341 101, 175, 312, 492, 495, 557, 841, 956, 960
electronic health records A245 682
electronic stability control A68 185
Emergency department data A127 347
emergency departments A129, A145 352, 397
Emergency Department A35, A124, A203, A258 94, 339, 565, 720
emergency management A361 1014
emergency medical services A18, A58, A211, A277, A281, A283 46, 159, 590, 774, 785, 793
Emergency Medical Service A34 90
emergency services A300, A357 840, 1003
emergency A162, A175, A270 445, 482, 754
Emotional abuse and Neglect A170, A257 468, 716
enforcement and education A197 546
Enforcement A135, A186, A226, A238, A308 370, 517, 629, 663, 864
engaging communities A365 1024
environment of safety A370 1040
environmental safety A369 1037
Environment A219, A306 610, 859
Epidemiological characteristics A337 949
epidemiological profile A265 738
epidemiological surveillance A175, A178, A241 482, 492, 671
epidemiology A20, A38, A49, A54, A59, A61, A89, A112, A133, A139, A149, A152, A165, A166, A173, A173, A174, A175, A188, A244, A251, A27, A261, A264, A268, A268, A321, A330, A336, A337, A344 52, 102, 133, 146, 160, 166, 243, 308, 365, 380, 406, 417, 454, 455, 477, 478, 479, 483, 521, 681, 700, 70, 729, 735, 747, 748, 901, 927, 946, 947, 966
Escalator-related injuries A218 609
Ethiopia A49, A321, A327 131, 902, 920
EU-CARE database A305, A305 856, 857
European countries A305, A305 856, 857
Europe A79, A80, A81, A161, A29 217, 220, 221, 441, 76
evaluating effectiveness A119 325
evaluation A94, A106, A113, A151, A161, A182, A183, A187, A22, A209, A210, A233, A245 259, 290, 309, 413, 443, 504, 506, 520, 57, 582, 586, 650, 683
evidence based best practice A118 323
evidence-based healthcare A214 599
evidence A48, A128, A182 129, 351, 504
exercise-based training program A56 152
exercise A38, A174, A177, A180, A33 101, 480, 490, 497, 86
Exponential smoothing A336 945
External causes A266, A339 742, 953
factors associated with injury A200 556
fall injury A261, A291 727, 813
Fall prevention A177, A180 490, 499
Falls prevention A177, A181, A182, A341, A342, A37 488, 502, 503, 959, 963, 97
falls A23, A35, A38, A75, A77, A130, A165, A174, A178, A179, A180, A181, A262, A336, A35, A36, A343 60, 93, 100, 206, 210, 356, 452, 480, 492, 496, 498, 501, 732, 944, 94, 95, 965
Fall A66, A178, A179, A181, A227, A264, A338 180, 491, 494, 500, 634, 736, 950
Fan-assisted respirator A144 393
farm injury A54, A276 146, 771
farm machine injuries A133 364
farmers with disabilities A368 1033
fatal accidents A78, A79, A30, A346, A364 215, 216, 78, 974, 1022
Fatal Injury A59, A276 162, 771
fatal road traffic accidents A32 83
fatal road transport crashes A69 188
feeling of safety and security A20 51
Fire injury surveillance A41 109
Fire Prevention A40, A84, A285, A301, A302 108, 231, 797, 845, 846
Fire safety A19, A40, A152, A285, A286, A287, A299 50, 106, 415, 798, 800, 803, 839
firefighter A216, A357 604, 1003
Fire A39, A41, A122, A150, A270, A299, A300 105, 110, 334, 411, 754, 837, 841
First Aid A84, A162, A332 231, 445, 933
flotation device A22, A356 56, 1001
foreign bodies injuries A237 661
Fracture A28, A82, A130, A168 73, 226, 355, 461
free and open source A366 1028
gender-based violence A92, A157, A198, A206, A351 251, 431, 549, 574, 987
gender A262, A284, A305 732, 795, 856
General Practitioners A157, A351 431, 987
German Prevention law A101 275
Graduated Driving License A190 528
Grosse schuetzen Kleine A85, A161 233, 443
Ground emergency medical services A281 786
guideline development A276 773
guidelines A1, A74, A235 2, 203, 655
haemodynamic instability A214 596
head injuries A90, A94, A128, A129 246, 258, 350, 353
health action process approach A302 848
Health care-associated infections A278 777
Health harming behaviours A104 284
Health interview survey A82 224
health literacy A233, A260 649, 726
health promotion capacity building A102 279
Health related Quality of life A213 593
Healthy nightlife A162, A224 446, 624
Health A23, A35, A53, A159, A206 60, 92, 145, 437, 574
helmet use A90, A194, A213, A280 247, 538, 595, 783
helmets A27, A145, A231 71, 397, 642
helmet A57, A89, A90, A136, A237, A249, A322, A358 155, 244, 248, 372, 662, 695, 903, 1006
heterosexual relationships A351 986
high school A59, A345 160, 971
hip and knee athroplasty A367 1031
hip fracture A36, A341 96, 960
home and leisure accident injuries A72 199
home and leisure injuries A149, A228 408, 636
home and leisure injury A166, A175 457, 482
home and leisure time A215 600
home health monitoring A367 1031
Home injuries A81, A86 221, 237
Home Poisoning in the home A345 969
home safety A65, A84, A123, A165, A341, A345 176, 230, 335, 453, 958, 969
Honour based violence A259 723
hospital acquired infections A278 777
hospitalisation A36, A36, A180, A244, A266, A339 95, 96, 498, 681, 742, 953
human development index A231 643
Humanitarian disarmament A205 570
ice hockey A56, A96, A240 153, 264, 669
impact absorbing flooring A37 98
implementation science A326 915
implementation A14, A38, A95, A180, A180, A181 35, 100, 260, 497, 499, 502
in-depth investigation A107, A218, A343 294, 609, 964
Incidence A60, A80, A81, A81, A82, A82, A265 163, 220, 221, 223, 224, 226, 739
India A55, A133, A306 150, 364, 858
indigenous A97, A180, A194 267, 498, 539
individual and collective interventions A80 219
Indoor Air Quality Home A219 611
information asymmetry A200 555
information campaign A371 1041
Information management A40 108
Infrastructure remodelling A220 614
injection safety A276, A354 773, 997
injuries and violence A256 713
injuries A26, A39, A61, A81, A86, A108, A164, A166, A167, A172, A192, A196, A250, A251, A259, A336, A369 68, 104, 167, 223, 236, 295, 451, 456, 458, 473, 534, 545, 696, 700, 721, 946, 1038
Injurious falls A38, A64, A180 101, 175, 499
Injury and accident data collection A127 346
injury and violence prevention A14 35
injury burden A43, A43, A81, A112 116, 117, 222, 307
Injury Database A236, A257 658, 718
injury data A290, A338 811, 951
Injury Prevention Briefing A44 119
Injury prevention legislation A72 198
Injury Prevention Program A254 708
injury prevention A22, A33, A37, A45, A46, A49, A54, A57, A58, A65, A66, A66, A73, A74, A84, A88, A90, A119, A120, A123, A129, A147, A151, A152, A153, A162, A181, A188, A189, A229, A235, A236, A237, A248, A251, A267, A267, A270, A285, A287, A327, A338, A356, A365, A368, A372 56, 86, 98, 121, 123, 133, 148, 155, 158, 178, 180, 181, 201, 204, 230, 241, 247, 324, 328, 337, 353, 402, 412, 415, 418, 444, 501, 521, 524, 637, 654, 658, 660, 690, 699, 745, 746, 753, 798, 803, 918, 950, 1001, 1024, 1033, 1046
Injury Severity A113, A264, A291, A318 310, 737, 814, 893
Injury situation prediction A153 418
Injury Surveillance System A254 708
Injury Surveillance A124, A127, A129, A176, A224, A237, A247, A290, A291, A291, A340, A345, A366 338, 347, 352, 485, 623, 660, 688, 810, 814, 815, 955, 971, 1028
Injury/Violence Prevention A116 319
injury A11, A12, A17, A23, A26, A27, A59, A73, A75, A76, A85, A115, A133, A148, A152, A165, A166, A167, A174, A175, A176, A178, A179, A179, A187, A190, A201, A210, A213, A218, A219, A220, A225, A226, A232, A233, A242, A243, A246, A250, A255, A264, A264, A265, A267, A268, A269, A280, A281, A294, A301, A321, A324, A325, A332, A337, A337, A340, A340 28, 30, 44, 60, 67, 71, 161, 200, 207, 208, 235, 317, 363, 404, 417, 454, 455, 460, 479, 484, 487, 491, 494, 496, 519, 527, 559, 587, 594, 608, 612, 613, 627, 631, 647, 649, 675, 678, 685, 698, 712, 735, 736, 739, 744, 748, 750, 782, 785, 823, 844, 901, 910, 913, 934, 947, 949, 955, 956
inner and outer city roads A172 473
innovation A232, A342 645, 961
Institutional assessment A154 423
Integrating curriculum A243 678
intelligent transport services A145 396
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) A252 702
interdisciplinary cooperation A102 278
International Comparison A80, A81, A81, A82 220, 221, 222, 226
international emergency medicine A211 590
International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) A315 885
interpersonal violence A125, A206, A349 341, 574, 980
intersectoral partnership A248 691
intervention development A208 578
intervention effectiveness A56 152
intervention A94, A124, A218, A295, A297, A309, A330, A332, A349, A354, A371 259, 339, 609, 826, 833, 867, 927, 934, 982, 997, 1041
Intimate partner aggression A350 985
Intimate partner violence in pregnancy A142 387
Intimate Partner Violence A142, A143, A158, A206, A260, A349, A349, A350, A350, A351, A352 388, 391, 433, 574, 726, 980, 982, 983, 984, 988, 991
Kazakhstan A185, A185 512, 513
Kenya A154, A281, A308, A310, A322, A368 421, 785, 865, 869, 903, 1034
knee injury A57, A149 154, 406
knowledge translation A74, A102, A122, A189 204, 280, 333, 524
knowledge A96, A157, A184, A332, A351, A354, A357 264, 431, 511, 933, 987, 997, 1004
last year medical students A278 777
Latin American/Caribbean region A114 313
law A11, A227, A249 29, 632, 695
lax-inconsistent disciplining A248 693
leading causes of death A24 61
Legislation Children Gunshots A170 467
legislation A90, A97, A121, A128, A154, A276 246, 265, 331, 349, 423, 772
leisure time accidents A371 1044
liquid laundry detergent packets A324 909
liquid laundry detergents in pods A87 239
LMIC A43, A107, A207, A246, A310, A366 116, 292, 576, 685, 871, 1028
local based injury prevention A83 229
local government A102, A161 279, 442
Location Surveillance A191 531
Logistic regression A171, A239 472, 665
longitudinal study A112, A368 307, 1034
Low and middle-incom countries A254 710
Low-and Middle-Income Countries A281, A310 785, 869
m-health intervention A319 895
maltreatment A94, A105, A160, A160, A258 257, 288, 439, 440, 720
management by objectives A273 763
Management A289, A300 808, 842
Managing information system A224 623
manual performance A143, A144 392, 394
maternal and newborn health A279 779
maternal anxiety A28, A87 73, 240
maternal depression A28, A87 73, 240
Maxillofacial fractures A369 1038
measures for improvement A50 135
Medical Safety and Crime Prevention A103 281
Medication administration A201 558
medico-legal examination A69 188
mental health A21, A24, A26, A246, A342 54, 62, 67, 685, 962
meta-analysis A18, A90, A201, A265 47, 248, 558, 739
Mexico A51, A184, A194, A262, A283 138, 509, 538, 731, 793
Mild traumatic brain injury A246 686
Military A24, A217, A312 63, 606, 874
mining A143, A227, A314 392, 634, 880
Mobility A69, A106, A180, A195, A233, A329, A340 189, 291, 497, 542, 650, 926, 957
model Sponsored by District of Columbia Department of Health A95 261
monitoring and evaluation and documentation A276 773
morbidity A29, A59, A363 75, 161, 1019
Mortality and morbidity A339 954
mortality rate A174, A214, A280, A360 479, 596, 783, 1011
mortality underestimation A262 731
mortality A1, A21, A24, A29, A59, A114, A126, A166, A170, A172, A201, A202, A264, A266, A293, A338, A339, A353, A359, A363 2, 54, 61, 75, 161, 312, 344, 457, 469, 475, 560, 563, 735, 742, 819, 952, 953, 992, 1009, 1019
motor vehicle collisions A189 524
Motor Vehicle Crashes A108, A230, A338 297, 641, 952
motor vehicle injury prevention A50 136
Motorcycle accident A213, A280 595, 783
Motorcycle one-wheeling A239 667
motorcycles A150, A187, A319 410, 518, 894
Motorcycle A136, A187, A188, A195, A196, A235, A311 372, 519, 521, 540, 545, 656, 873
multi-agency approach A331 932
multi-professional cooperation A330 929
multi-sector engagement A125, A159 342, 436
multi-sectoral checks A325 912
Multidimensional Unfolding A39, A365 104, 1025
multiprofessional inspection A334 939
Multipronged Approach A303 851
musculoskeletal injury A111 304
musculoskeletal linjury A246 687
Musculoskeletal system A274 767
mx safety signs A78, A346 215, 974
mx safety A78, A79, A346, A364 215, 216, 974, 1022
National Action Plan A50, A65 134, 178
national plan of action A34 91
national quality standards A92 253
Naturalistic Driving Study A91 250
naturalistic driving A62, A69 170, 190
Neglect A62, A103, A257 168, 282, 717
neighbourhood A19, A19, A61, A78 48, 49, 167, 213
networking A162, A214, A243, A351 446, 598, 676, 988
neuromuscular training A326, A346 915, 972
news media A233, A235 649, 654
non motor vehicle safety A317 890
nurses A71, A243, A354 195, 678, 997
observational studies A231 642
occupational accident A355 998
occupational diseases A139 381
occupational health and safety A54, A141 148, 385
Occupational Health Hazards A52 142
Occupational health A34, A140, A210, A210, A276 91, 383, 585, 586, 772
occupational injuries A139, A141, A208, A275, A353 381, 386, 580, 770, 992
Occupational Injury A55, A115, A172 151, 316, 475
Occupational safety and health A32, A139 84, 381
Occupational safety risks A271 756
occupational safety A70, A133, A140, A209, A209, A209, A210, A211, A215, A272, A353, A354, A355 191, 365, 382, 581, 582, 583, 584, 589, 601, 761, 994, 995, 1000
off road safety A78, A79, A346, A364 215, 216, 974, 1022
OHS in the Philippines A139 381
older adults A35, A64, A177, A341, A341 93, 174, 490, 958, 959
older drivers A62, A63 170, 173
Oman A52, A124, A163, A327, A337 141, 338, 448, 918, 948
Online Complaint Centre A155 426
Osteoporosis A178, A282 493, 788
out-patient visit A266, A339 742, 953
outcome of care A279, A279 780, 781
Outcomes of motorcycle accidents A185 514
Outcomes A18, A83, A214, A345 45, 228, 597, 970
Paediatric Abusive Head Trauma A104 285
Paediatric injury A147, A235 401, 654
paediatric trauma mortality A58 159
paediatrics A245, A321 682, 901
Paediatric A66, A85, A131, A235 179, 235, 357, 656
Pakistan A34, A217, A239, A284, A305, A329, A345 90, 605, 667, 794, 855, 926, 970
parent-child safety communication A326 917
parents A39, A160, A167, A235, A247, A275 103, 438, 458, 654, 689, 768
Participation by local community members A254 709
partnerships/coalitions A159 436
Partnerships A116, A163, A243, A285 319, 447, 676, 797
Patient Safety System – A276 773
patient safety A38, A77, A277 100, 211, 775
Pedestrian collisions A322 904
pedestrian safety A67, A195, A269, A315 182, 543, 751, 885
pedestrians A106, A190, A265, A306, A307 290, 527, 738, 859, 861
pedestrian A31, A45, A53, A67, A91, A106, A107, A168, A186, A190, A210, A236, A320, A322 82, 122, 143, 183, 250, 291, 292, 463, 516, 526, 587, 659, 897, 905
Perceptions A76, A167 209, 458
perception A234, A349 651, 982
perpetration of violence A350 984
personal flotation device A97, A296 267, 828
personal health record A367 1032
persons with disabilities A64 174
physical activity A28, A131, A347 74, 359, 977
physical demands A211, A354 589, 995
pilot community with partial capacity A221 617
plant protection pesticides A137 375
poison control centres A137 375
poisonings and injuries A137 375
poisonings A87, A139, A227 239, 379, 633
poisoning A28, A64, A87, A130, A137, A146, A200, A324, A344 175, 73, 240, 355, 374, 400, 557, 909, 966
police A92, A204, A349 252, 568, 982
policy and legal framework A93 255
policy implementation A52, A65, A135 140, 177, 369
Policy A2, A30, A31, A49, A50, A51, A68, A71, A73, A73, A73, A79, A98, A128, A155, A161, A186, A255, A267, A269, A281 5, 79, 81, 133, 134, 138, 187, 194, 200, 201, 202, 217, 268, 351, 424, 441, 517, 712, 744, 750, 785
population A1, A21, A42, A203 2, 54, 114, 566
portable fire-extinguishing system A19 50
Post separation violence A16 41
Post-separation stalking against women and children A17 42
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders A282 789
postpartum depression A147 401
Posttraumatic stress disorder A214 598
potential years of life lost A41 111
practice of hand hygiene A276 773
practice A102, A255, A357 280, 712, 1004
pre-hospital care A213, A283 594, 793
Prehospital intraveneous fluid A281 787
preparedness A46, A46 123, 124
prescription drug overdose A139 379
prescription medicines A137 373
prevalence A42, A115, A170, A170, A257 114, 317, 468, 469, 716
Prevention and control A205 571
prevention of accidental injuries A215 600
prevention of child abuse A258 719
prevention of health problems A269 752
Prevention of infant and child injury A254 709
prevention of injuries A149, A228 408, 636
prevention of road traffic accidents A223 621
prevention A1, A2, A21, A25, A38, A38, A47, A72, A74, A75, A76, A79, A85, A85, A87, A93, A94, A105, A128, A138, A139, A146, A148, A161, A166, A203, A204, A209, A214, A227, A234, A241, A294, A297, A315, A318, A326, A333, A347, A351, A363 2, 5, 54, 64, 100, 102, 127, 199, 203, 207, 209, 217, 234, 235, 239, 255, 258, 287, 350, 376, 379, 400, 404, 441, 456, 566, 567, 583, 598, 632, 651, 671, 823, 833, 883, 892, 915, 936, 977, 988, 1019
primary prevention A104, A224 285, 624
Primary School A85, A332 233, 933
product misidentification A291 815
product safety A82, A128, A270, A290, A290, A291, A291 225, 351, 753, 810, 811, 814, 815
productivity loss A150, A299 411, 837
Professional Development A372 1046
program evaluation A109, A117 300, 320
Protocol of scoping review A333 937
psychiatric consultation A203 565
psychological dating violence victimisation and perpetration A352 990
psychological effects of battering A349 981
psychosocial workload factors A230 640
public health and safety A77 212
public health perspective A162, A351 446, 988
public health training A146 399
public health A54, A102, A126, A178, A224, A261 146, 278, 345, 493, 624, 729
Public-Private Partnership A31 82
Qatar A190, A275, A309, A326, A328, A353 527, 770, 868, 916, 922, 992
Quad bike A54, A235, A275, A276 147, 656, 769, 771
qualitative research A190, A259 528, 722
Qualitative study A40, A111, A241 106, 304, 672
quality improvement A214, A279 599, 779
Quality of life A213, A282 593, 789
randomised control trial study A282 790
Randomised Control Trial A124 339
randomised controlled trial A56 152
rapidly developing city A174 481
real and combined safety elements A153 420
Reality television programs A242 674
Recidivists injury population A114 314
recreational off-highway vehicles A68 186
recreation A145, A238, A336 397, 663, 946
recurrent and multiple injuries A176 486
reduction of child injury rate A161 443
Regional differences A358 1007
rehabilitation A18, A36, A112 45, 96, 308
Rescue 1122 A217, A239, A305 605, 667, 855
rescue and Padma river A361 1014
research dissemination A235 654
research A72, A215, A256 198, 601, 713
Resilience A47, A55, A162, A223, A278 126, 149, 446, 622, 778
revealed preference (RP) A42 113
Risk assessment A287, A363 803, 1019
risk communication A109, A151 299, 413
Risk Factors A25, A32, A61, A143, A224, A264, A264, A315, A316, A335, A343, A343 66, 83, 166, 391, 624, 736, 737, 883, 886, 943, 964, 965
risk factor A35, A57, A150, A167, A169, A301 94, 154, 410, 460, 464, 843
risk management A37, A47, A152, A153, A224, A229, A236, A270, A271, A285, A287 99, 128, 415, 419, 625, 637, 658, 753, 758, 798, 803
Risk Perception A39, A70, A365 104, 191, 1025
risk taking A45, A121, A316 121, 332, 887
Road Accident Investigation A32 83
Road accidents A21, A51, A303 55, 138, 849
Road accident A185, A185 512, 513
road and occupational safety A229 637
Road crashes A191, A239, A305, A309, A319 530, 667, 855, 868, 896
road injury A89, A190 243, 528
Road policing A51, A186 137, 517
road safety awareness campaign A252 704
Road Safety Curriculum A253 705
road safety education A247 689
Road Safety Financing A270 755
road safety management A183, A192 507, 532
road safety A23, A29, A29, A30, A30, A31, A35, A52, A54, A62, A67, A67, A84, A90, A107, A120, A154, A154, A155, A163, A182, A183, A187, A188, A191, A193, A193, A194, A195, A196, A225, A226, A231, A248, A252, A252, A270, A273, A274, A274, A303, A303, A304, A305, A305, A306, A307, A314, A317, A318, A322, A322, A323, A327, 58, 76, 78, 80, 82, 92, 140, 148, 170, 183, 184, 231, 247, 292, 329, 421, 423, 426, 448, 505, 507, 520, 521, 530, 535, 536, 539, 542, 544, 626, 629, 643, 691, 702, 704, 755, 75, 764, 765, 766, 849, 851, 854, 856, 857, 860, 862, 880, 889, 892, 903, 905, 906, 918
road traffic accident investigation team A371 1043
road traffic accidents (RTA) A319 896
Road traffic accidents A69, A214, A251, A282, A316 189, 598, 700, 790, 888
road traffic accident A117, A172, A263, A308 321, 474, 733, 864
Road traffic casualties A261 729
Road traffic crashes A136, A220, A314 371, 615, 881
Road traffic fatalities A115 315
road traffic injuries A51, A52, A67, A67, A135, A172, A184, A185, A185, A194, A199, A226, A231, A262, A308, A309, A309, A310, A316, A318, A328, A338 139, 142, 182, 184, 368, 474, 509, 512, 513, 538, 553, 630, 642, 731, 865, 867, 868, 869, 888, 892, 922, 951
road traffic injury A29, A42, A68, A367, A213, A313, A314, A316, A328, A335 77, 113, 187, 593, 878, 882, 886, 923, 943, 1030
Road traffic law of China A51 139
road traffic legislation A67 184
road traffic A11, A12, A172, A196, A309, A319, A338 29, 30, 473, 545, 868, 894, 950
road-safety A136, A195 372, 541
Road A187, A190, A190, A192, A312, A323 518, 526, 527, 534, 876, 908
Romanian medical students A356 1002
rural Bangladesh A298, A339 834, 954
rural A132, A260, A294 361, 725, 821
Safe Children Community A161 443
safe communities A85, A118, A118, A119, A119, A119, A162, A163 234, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 444, 447
Safe community program evaluation A254 709
Safe Community A83, A100, A103, A116, A117, A155, A224, A225, A333 228, 274, 281, 319, 320, 425, 625, 627, 938
Safe Kids Austria A85, A161 233, 443
Safe School Communities A85 233
safe school A155, A333 425, 938
safety and health at work A32 85
Safety and Health Management A53 145
Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ) A277 775
safety behaviour A357, A369 1003, 1037
safety climate A71, A216, A229, A357 195, 604, 638, 1003
safety communication A55, A123 149, 336
safety competence A216, A331 603, 931
Safety culture A33, A46, A55, A133, A215, A215, A217, A256, A312, A331, A357, A357 87, 123, 150, 365, 600, 601, 606, 714, 874, 931, 1004, 1005
Safety Doctor Program A254 709
safety education A148, A196 404, 544
safety in all policies A72 199
safety management A71, A153, A177 195, 420, 489
safety promotion A17, A34, A101, A118, A338, A356 42, 89, 277, 322, 950, 1002
safety A2, A19, A19, A49, A55, A69, A78, A86, A106, A127, A132, A134, A135, A142, A153, A163, A187, A187, A190, A192, A233, A234, A238, A248, A249, A252, A253, A272, A305, A309, A309, A320, A325, A329, A334, A355, A358, A358, A371 5, 48, 49, 131, 149, 190, 213, 236, 291, 348, 360, 367, 370, 389, 419, 449, 518, 519, 526, 534, 648, 653, 664, 692, 695, 703, 706, 759, 855, 866, 868, 898, 913, 925, 940, 999, 1006, 1008, 1042
school safe community A225 626
school safety A169, A208, A236, A253 465, 578, 658, 707
schools and educational institutions A325 912
schools A28, A147, A252, A322 72, 403, 703, 904
seamless pathways of care A14 34
secondary school adolescents A329 924
security A19, A19, A78, 48, 49, 213
selection bias and case-crossover studies A115 316
self-directed violence A105 286
Semantic analysis of Safety A255 711
service user involvement A13 33
Sexual abuse A207, A257 575, 718
sexual and gender based violence A260 724
Sexual violence A14, A168 34, 462
Sexually Transmitted Diseases A142 388
Shelters for victims of domestic violence A92 253
shopping centre safety A216 602
single vehicle accident A68 185
Slipperiness A210, A320 587, 897
slow-moving vehicle A315, A317 884, 891
small area variation A360 1011
Social and health services A371 1042
social exclusion A25, A331 65, 932
social marketing A106, A123, A177, A273, A302 290, 337, 490, 762, 848
social media A122, A123, A149, A169, A365 334, 336, 407, 466, 1024
social network analysis A118, A254 322, 709
social services A46, A206, A349 124, 574, 980
social- and health policy A256 714
Socioeconomic Status A219, A316, A335, A350 612, 886, 943, 985
special health care needs children A131 358
speed camera operations A312 875
speeding A121, A163, A226, A231 330, 448, 630, 642
Sport injury A268, A326 749, 915
Sport-related concussion A96 264
sports injuries A266, A346, A347 743, 973, 975
Sports injury prevention A56, A58, A95 152, 157, 260
sports injury A56, A59, A149, A173, A176, A240, A325, A347, A347 153, 160, 406, 477, 486, 668, 913, 976, 977
Sports-related concussion A245 684
Sri Lanka A70, A132, A136, A157, A208, A225, A250, A266, A338, A340 192, 360, 371, 431, 580, 627, 696, 741, 951, 955
standards A82, A128, A290 225, 349, 811
stated preference (SP) A42 113
strategy A92, A163, A169, A204 252, 447, 466, 568
strength based approaches A118 323
Substance Abuse A199, A352 552, 991
substance use disorder A197 547
suicide prevention A24, A25, A202 63, 65, 561
suicide A1, A15, A21, A24, A25, A25, A26, A137, A202, A203, A203, A204, A338 2, 37, 54, 61, 64, 66, 67, 373, 563, 564, 566, 567, 952
surveillance A18, A38, A54, A59, A59, A60, A73, A79, A85, A87, A105, A107, A137, A139, A155, A172, A175, A176, A179, A203, A205, A239, A268, A301, A312, A313, A336 45, 102, 146, 161, 162, 164, 200, 217, 234, 239, 287, 294, 375, 380, 424, 475, 484, 487, 494, 564, 571, 666, 748, 844, 876, 878, 944
survey A26, A115, A262, A333, A350 68, 317, 730, 936, 984
Survival swimming A99, A294, A296 270, 822, 827
Sustainable Development Goals A124 340
Swimming ability A97, A296 266, 828
SwimSafe A99, A241, A294, A296 270, 673, 822, 827
systematic review A90, A176, A201, A213, A301, A319, A321, A347 248, 486, 558, 593, 843, 894, 901, 976
Systems A14, A15, A108 36, 38, 296
Tampere A19, A19, A20, A78 48, 49, 52, 213
Tanzania A59, A157, A252 162, 432, 703
Taxonomy development A361 1015
teen drivers A302, A303 847, 850
Thailand A195, A224, A336 540, 623, 945
The patient safety system involves development of central administrative unit in DGHS A276 773
theory of planned behaviour A199, A245 553, 683
Three helps (self-help) A47 128
Traffic – statistics and numerical data A29 76
Traffic accidents mortality A183 508
Traffic accidents prevention A183, A265 508, 740
traffic accidents A217, A224, A252 607, 623, 703
traffic accident A368, A272 1035, 760
Traffic calming A107, A220 292, 614
Traffic Crash Survivors A282 789
traffic crashes A120, A193 328, 535
traffic injuries A191, A191 530, 531
traffic injury A136, A156, A188, A367 371, 427, 523, 1029
traffic law enforcement A51 137
Traffic Safety Education A27 69
traffic safety legislation A31 81
Traffic safety A27, A60, A144, A145, A188, A195, A233, A272, A302, A303, A312 69, 165, 395, 396, 523, 543, 650, 761, 847, 850, 874
Traffic A166, A190, A192, A195, A312, A315, A323 456, 527, 534, 540, 876, 884, 908
Training and education A152, A229 415, 637
Training A11, A11, A45, A95, A162, A193, A276, A285, A323, A357, A371 28, 29, 122, 261, 445, 536, 773, 798, 907, 1005, 1042
transgender and intersex (LGBTI) persons A278 776
transient risk factors A115 316
transitional Lithuania A156 427
Transport safety A89, A91, A121, A193 243, 249, 331, 537
Transportation – Motorcycle A239 666
Transportation safety A55, A340 150, 957
Transport A18, A135, A210, A211 46, 370, 584, 590
Trauma care A18, A112, A213, A214, A214, A280, A315 45, 307, 594, 597, 599, 784, 883
Trauma registries A310, A337 869, 948
Trauma registry A124, A191 338, 531
Trauma System Maturity Index A111 305
traumatic brain injuries A35 93
traumatic brain injury A96, A244, A244, A245, A246 263, 680, 681, 682, 685
trauma A11, A26, A111, A113, A152, A157, A211, A212, A226, A242, A279, A281, A281, A281, A283, A325, A337 28, 67, 306, 310, 417, 430, 590, 592, 631, 675, 780, 785, 786, 787, 791, 913, 947
trend A186, A202, A272 515, 563, 760
Turkey A143, A182, A278, A278 390, 505, 776, 777
Ubiquitous Health System A254 708
ultrasound densitometry A282 788
undocumented Myanmar nationals A260 724
Unintentional childhood injuries A173, A234 476, 651
Unintentional childhood injury A326 917
Unintentional drowning A99 271
unintentional injuries A76, A86, A110, A130, A244, A262, A262, A330, A359 209, 237, 301, 356, 679, 731, 732, 927, 1009
unintentional injury A75, A114, A131, A154, A163, A165, A363 205, 312, 357, 422, 449, 452, 1020
unintentional A137, A250, A301 374, 696, 843
United Arab Emirates A188, A209 523, 583
University married female students A350 984
unprotected road users A273 763
Unsafe crossing behaviour A269 751
unsafe farm behaviours A248 693
urban spatial distribution A61 167
Urban Transport Safety using Ontology A255 711
urban A106, A260, A307 290, 725, 861
Victim-Offender-Mediation A158 433
victimisation A158, A350 434, 985
violence and injuries A266 741
Violence and injury prevention A60 164
violence prevention A101, A125, A159, A205, A223, A253 275, 342, 436, 570, 622, 707
violence-related injury risk A114 313
violence A62, A84, A92, A104, A105, A126, A126, A142, A158, A158, A160, A163, A169, A170, A204, A204, A205, A205, A207, A207, A225, A255, A257, A259, A338, A340, A348, A353 168, 231, 252, 284, 286, 344, 345, 389, 434, 435, 440, 449, 464, 469, 568, 569, 571, 572, 575, 576, 627, 712, 717, 722, 950, 955, 979, 993
Vision Zero A32, A107, A273 85, 293, 763
Visual Impairment A131, A261 357, 727
vulnerable road users A307 863
Water Safety A87, A98, A296, A359 238, 268, 830, 1010
well-being at work capital A256 714
wellbeing A17, A259, A353 42, 723, 993
wife/partner battering A349 981
work-related injuries A275, A353 770, 992
work-related injury A70, A140 193, 383
workplace safety A140, A230, A364 384, 639, 1023
work A71, A235, A358 194, 655, 1008
Wounds and injuries – epidemiology A29 76
young children A86, A129, A192, A322 237, 353, 533, 904
young drivers A21, A120, A120, A121, A189, A190, A309 55, 327, 328, 330, 525, 527, 868
young people A199, A324, A330 554, 911, 929
youngsters A216, A305 602, 857
Youth Risk Behaviours A142, A198 388, 549
youth A49, A121, A168, A188, A204, A234, A235, A240, A275, A317 131, 332, 462, 523, 567, 653, 655, 669, 768, 889