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974 MX safety movement and safety project
  1. Teija Piirto
  1. Mx Safety Project Founder and Leader, Finland


Background MX Safety campaign started 2014. Campaign is lead by Teija Piirto who’s mission is very personal due to a loss of her own brother. MX Safety’s aim is to create encouraging safety debate and advance safety at off road tracks with track users. Target is zero fatal accidents in basic training environment and national and club level races, worldwide. All the work is done through voluntary work. Project has a wide range of knowledge and a large spectrum of track users involved. Finnish Rescue service has a major partnership project that enables a completely new way to co-operate on safety related matters national wide.

Methods Mx Safety will collect and share the information regarding safety issues and is also developing tools to promote safety. Mx Safety does involve track users to recognise risks and encourage them to make improvements towards safer training conditions.

The most visible project at the moment is basic safety sign standardisation for off road tracks.

National Rescue Service co-operation offers a great opportunity to get national wide risk management, rescue and emergency guidelines for all tracks.

Results An overview of MX Safety signs was first introduced at Motorcycle Show 2015 in Helsinki, in cooperation with the MX Safety project, the cooperative network of emergency services (Pelastuslaitosten Kumppanuusverkosto) and the Finnish Motorcycling Federation. The Finnish Motorcycling Federation (SML) motocross commission has confirmed that MX Safety signs will be introduced at all Finnish motocross tracks latest during 2016. By following common guidelines and best practices and deficiencies motorcycling clubs are able to prevent significant amount of accidents. All tracks users must commit to compliance with common rules. Signs has been translated already in English, Latvian and French languages.

Conclusions Each country is welcome to work together to promote safety.

  • mx safety
  • off road safety
  • fatal accidents
  • mx safety signs

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