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970 Frequency of patients presenting in emergency room with methanol poisoning and their and outcomes
  1. Fareed Ahmed
  1. Aga Khan University Hospital Karachi, Pakistan


Background Methanol toxicity may cause severe morbidity and mortality if not treated timely. These alcoholic drinks are generally very cheap and are therefore attractive to people with low incomes.We have seen cases of methanol poisoning outbreaks in our population several times but no work has been done so far to estimate the methanol exposure and its outcome complications.

Methods This was a retrospective observational study. All cases of Methanol poisoning from January 1988 to December 2014 were reviewed.

Results Total number of methanol poisoning cases reported in the duration of (Jan.1988–Dec.2013) were 35 (1.4% ). All were male with mean age of 36.2 + 8.6 years. Present in ER with the mean GCS of 10.4 + 4.4. Blurring of vision present in 48% and 28% with complete blindness. Mean arterial pH on arrival is 6.8 +0.5. Eighty eight percent received ethanol and 32% received bicarbonate for immediate treatment. Dialysis requried in 20%. Total mean length of stay in hospital was 76122 hours.Thirty six percent were expired while 64% discharge with complication (Blindness and acute kidney injury). In a multivariate Cox regression analysis, it was computed that the GCS score (odds ratio [OR] 0.71, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.582−0.876) (P = 0.032), and serum creatinine level (OR 3.79, 95% CI: 1.32−17.440) (P = 0.026) were significant risk factors associated with mortality and complications.

Conclusions From the study we concluded that due to lack of awareness the burden of this poisoning is increasing causing increase in mortality and morbidity. Low GCS and sercum creatinie are associated with worst outcome. Although this data does not reflect the actual incidence of methanol poisoning in our country as majority of them goes to government hospital and most of them die before seeking any medical treatment.

  • Methanol poisoning
  • clinical presentation
  • outcomes
  • Pakistan

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