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709 Analysis of the Songpa safety doctor program based on social network analysis
  1. JH Paik1,
  2. IG Kim2
  1. 1Safety Management Officer of Songpa Public Health Centre, Korea
  2. 2Executive Director of Songpa Public Health Centre, Korea


Background Since 2005, the Songpa District has implemented the Safety Doctor Program (SDP), which involves having a dedicated doctor for a nursery facility to quickly respond to safety-related incidents at nursery facilities. By analysing cooperative relations among local community members in a network that was established by the SDP, this study ascertains the characteristics of the safe community program network and defines the direction of development.

Methods A social network analysis survey was conducted on 233 people from the Songpa Public Health Centre (SPHC), Songpa Medical Association, and Songpa Nursery Facility Association that are participating in the SDP. This was followed by a network relations analysis using social network analysis indicators – centrality, centralization, density, and exchange relations.

Results First, from among the SDP members, the SPHC indicates the highest centrality (degree centrality: 0.650) and the highest centralization (in-degree centralization: 64.469%), and thus leads the flow of information and resources.

Second, network density is overall low. Network density that excluded the SPHC (0.9%) is lower than the network density that included the centre (1.2%). If the SPHC does not participate in the SDP, several subgroups would emerge among the members, preventing the smooth flow of resources and information and resulting in weak exchange relations.

Third, exchange relations of the network that includes the SPHC consist of education, medical services, and public interests. A cooperation evaluation indicated a high level.

Conclusions The SDP member network is focused on the SPHC, but the Program has great significance in that it promoted discussions among local community member groups. The social network analysis results can be used to motivate local community members to engage in participation and cooperation, thus further developing the infant and child injury prevention program.

  • Prevention of infant and child injury
  • Safety Doctor Program
  • Social network analysis
  • Safe community program evaluation
  • Participation by local community members

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