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645 Smart hard hat
  1. Petri Kähärä,
  2. Aleksi Sallinen,
  3. Jonne Holmén
  1. Gonsul Ltd, Finland


Background Smart Hard Hat is an innovation created by Gonsul Ltd. The innovation was created in Finnish Transport Agency’s (FTA) innovation competition to improve work safety on infrastructure. Innovation was awarded with 3rd place and nomination in high innovativeness among hundreds of competitors.

Methods Smart Hard Hat gathers data from its environment and the user. Smart Hard Hat includes technology in hard hat in a way that makes it possible to act into emergency situations. This kind of technology is collection of sensors like acceleration and speed, GPS, wireless internet and cloud service. Smart Hard Hat is passive, wearable technology that leaves workers hands free. The supervisors need mobile access to data base to be able to handle the information gathered.

Results The proof-of-concept about Smart Hard Hat is about to begin soon. Only hypothesis about the results can be given. A suggestion is that Smart Hard Hat declines the amount of critical accidents in work. This happens in two ways. Firstly, the data that is gathered may be used efficiently in a way that improves safeness. A dangerous patterns may be found that connects different kind of situations and environmental aspects together. Secondly, the workers may receive fast help immediately after the accident has happened. Smart Hard Hat can recognise when thresholds dangerous for life are exceeded and send a message to supervisor.

Conclusions By taking Smart Hard Hat widely into use it may significantly decrease the amount of fatal accidents in work. Also non-fatal accidents in work can be radically decreased. Benefits are gained by the employer, employee and the society multi-dimensionally.

  • work safety
  • infrastructure
  • innovation
  • hard hat

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