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569 The role of one-stop crisis management centres (OCMCs) in violence prevention
  1. Rekha Rana
  1. Nepal Health Sector Support Program, Ministry of Health and Population (MHP) Nepal


Background Over the last three years, the MoHP has established sixteen OCMCs in sixteen districts cross Nepal. Each OCMC aims to provide an integrated package of services for survivors of violence through a ‘one-door’ system. OCMCs are designed to follow a multi-sectoral and locally coordinated approach to provide survivors with a comprehensive range of services including health care, psycho-social counselling, access to safe homes, legal protection, personal security and vocational skills training.

Methods Reports, monitoring visits, national level annual review with stakeholders inclusive of hospitals, Police, Attorney, Ministry of Women, MoHP, Chief District Officers, Representatives from Prime Ministers and Counsel of Ministers, I/NGOs and survivors.

Results The district report showed that from October 2013 – October 2014, OCMCs have provided essential services required by survivors with 2,273 individuals (2,133 (94%) women and 140 (6%) men) accessing services. A high percentage of women receiving services (53.6%) were victims of intimate partner violence, while 26% had experienced sexual violence. 16% had suffered extreme mental abuse and 4.8% ‘other types of violence (trafficking, child marriages). The breakdown of data by age-group shows that violence is common among women between the ages of 15 and 49 years with 1645 women in this category, suggesting married women as the prime targets.

Conclusions OCMCs are a new and challenging initiative. The challenges can be overcome through improved awareness raising activities; capacity building; survivor follow-up; improved screening and coordinating strategies; and more social protection activities. Supporting the establishment of OCMCs in all 75 districts is essential.

  • OCMC
  • Survivors
  • Violence
  • Coordination

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