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517 The challenges of enforcing road safety policies
  1. Gayle Di Pietro,
  2. Cristina Inclan,
  3. Cessie Petchi
  1. Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP)


Background Strong road safety policies that are strategically and effectively enforced optimise the safety of road users. In road safety, those responsible for enforcing the law are usually road police. In low and middle income countries, road police face many challenges as they are usually under-resourced and poorly trained to do the job of enforcement.

Methods Before beginning to strengthen the capabilities of road police GRSP undertakes a number of diagnostic assessments to identify barriers and opportunities to enforcement. Data collection methods and use are also strengthened to support police to undertake targeted enforcement interventions.

Results With predictive and strategic enforcement methods in place, road police are more effective in enforcing road safety related laws.

Conclusions To reduce the number of deaths and serious injuries on the world’s roads there is a need to have strong road safety related policies in place, and for those policies to be enforced. Road police in low- and middle-income countries respond well to professional training on all aspects of enforcement.

  • Policy
  • Enforcement
  • Road Policing

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