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453 Prevention of unintentional child injuries at home: exploring the perception of Iranian policymakers
  1. Atena Barat,
  2. Michael Craig Watson,
  3. Caroline Mulvaney
  1. The University of Nottingham, UK


Background Unintentional injury has been the leading threat to health for children in recent years. It remains enormous financial, emotional and social effects on the child and the family, as well as on the community and society as a whole. This study aimed to explore the perception of policymakers to identify their child home injury prevention practices, and to understand barriers and facilitators regarding the prevention of home injuries among children under 5 years. The study focused on Iran due to the paucity of evidence in this area.

Methods An interpretive qualitative approach was adopted for this research. 19 policymakers were selected via a snowball sampling method. They were top-level managers working in variety of organisations concerned with children and could potentially contribute in child safety initiatives. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews. The recorded interviews were transcribed verbatim and inductive thematic analysis was undertaken.

Results Policymakers expressed that they were not particularly involved in the prevention of unintentional child injuries in the home setting but they undertook other practices that might indirectly be beneficial in controlling the problem. These practices were providing infrastructures, controlling and supervising, leading and operating activities. Moreover, 9 major themes and 13 subthemes emerged as perceived barriers and facilitators for the issue. Themes that were identified included attitude, injury nature, parents, children, resources, management, market and demographical social change.

Conclusions Child home injury is a complex and multifaceted problem that requires cross-cutting intervention strategies addressing personal, social, structural and political factors. The evidence from this study can contribute to decision-making, developing strategies and generating policies concerning the prevention of child home injuries throughout Iranian healthcare.

  • Iran
  • home safety
  • child injury prevention
  • policymakers

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