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445 “Strengthening health saving”
  1. Leonor Leinecker1,2,
  2. Nadia Rivera Leinecker1,
  3. Ricardo Slavusky1,
  4. Augusto Ittig2,
  5. Laura Flores2
  1. 1University Nacional De Jujuy, Jujuy, Argentina
  2. 2Secretaria Community Protection, Ministry of Government of Jujuy, Jujuy, Argentina


Background The province of Jujuy is located in a seismic zone with increasing activity. It is essential that your people know how to act in emergencies and know first-aid; key then is to teach and strengthen the community first responders.

Methods courses of theoretical and practical training in medical first aid are made: for university students and representatives of NGOs to increase the number of “Health Lifeguards: trained to train” that expand the coverage and call this training to all the population of the Province of Jujuy. Courses are taught from the race for Health Educator, Faculty of humanities and social sciences. They have zero cost to those who perform and is planned for 1200 graduation trainers, which will allow the creation of 240 training teams for training gives coverage to the whole province of Jujuy. The political-economic framework is guaranteed by agreements concluded between the National University of Jujuy and the Secretariat of the Community Protection of the Ministry of Government of the Province of Jujuy .

Results In 2014 certified 235 university students and NGO representatives as “Lifeguard Health trained to train” in 2015 training is extended to members of social and sporting institutions, neighbourhood and social organisations and members of non-formal education, with 456 students for certified “Lifeguard Health: trained to train” strengthening Courses are conducted in “First responder” to police, firefighters and civil protection and first responders, granting 95 certifications.

Conclusions The general population and in particular the first respondent properly trained how to act in an emergency, helps reduce fatal consequences and the consequences of the same, reducing YPLL injuries and disabilities.

  • first aid
  • emergency
  • YPLL
  • training

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