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281 Safe community in Malaysia: a wish and a dream
  1. R Annapoornam1,2,
  2. S Kulanthayan3
  1. 1SJK Tamil Kajang Parents Volunteer Group
  2. 2Universiti Putra Malaysia
  3. 3Safe Kids Malaysia


Background Safe Community has benefited many countries which adopted it for many years. Malaysia has been exploring this initiative since year 2012 under the Ministry of Housing and Local Government then. Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) is championing this initiative with a high hope to have a serious buying in from any interested community.

Methods The approach undertaken by UPM is by identifying possible community. We took both (top-down and also bottom-up approach) approach in our attempt to win the hearts of the stakeholders. For the ‘top-down’ approach, we presented to two government authorities – Ministry of Housing and Local Government and the next one Putrajaya Corporation the Safe Community Concept. For the ‘bottom-up’ approach, we are working closely with a community in Kajang, Selangor.

Results The initial feedback are positive from this two local authorities for the ‘top-down approach’. However we have not moved much and far as we detailed down the operational part. The ‘bottom-up’ approach also is giving us the initial positive sign as we erode into a segment of the community (school children, teachers, parents and organisation that supports children betterment). For the ‘bottom-up’ approach with the Kajang Community, UPM has embarked and facilitated few safety programs namely: 1) Medical Camps and Health Screening including Dental Services and Pharmacy, 2) Weekly Swim Safety Classes for Children, Parents and Teachers, 3) Pedestrian Safety Intervention for the entire community, 3) Eye Project to Improve Children Vision, 4) Fire and Electrical Safety Demonstration for a segment of the community, 5) Importance of Food Safety and Healthy Food for School Community, 6) Lab Safety for the community who deals with lab and finally 7) Crime Prevention talks and session with the Kajang Police Station Officials.

Conclusions In Safety 2016 Conference, we would be able to share more information on bringing in Safe Community to Malaysia and it is our wish to announce that we have the first community who is interested and applied to join the Safe Community movement.

  • Safe Community
  • Medical Safety and Crime Prevention

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