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275 The relationship between injuries by accidents and violence in children under the aspect of the new “prevention law” in Germany
  1. Johann Böhmann,
  2. Anna Stumpe
  1. Kinderklinik Klinikum Delmenhorst, DIG- Delmenhorster Institut Für Gesundheitsförderung, Delmenhorst Germany


Background Unintentional and intentional Injuries are not quite different and do not obligatory require different approaches particularly concerning their Prevention. This has to be explained and discussed under the new German “Kinderschutzgesetz” as well as the “Präventionsgesetz”.

Methods Common determinants for injuries and violence are highlighted. Fatal examples are described. Consequences on the local (community) level are pointed out by analysing the different networks in 6 different communities in northern Germany, one of them is the first German “Safe community” of Delmenhorst.

Results The Differences between the two “systems”: The medical system and the general community service and child protection services are fundamental. There is not only a general deficiency of information and professional routines but even more important differences in attitudes and engagement. This becomes more obvious by comparing networks in different communities. Unfortunately these differences seem to be state aided by the concurrent jurisdiction.

Conclusions Abstract The systemic problem can only be solved on a community level. Local experiences have to be expanded to a regional or national level.

  • German Prevention law
  • local network
  • violence prevention

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