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11 Off-road vehicle regulation enforcement at IOWA off-highway vehicle parks
  1. Charles Jennissen,
  2. Benjamin Wilkinson,
  3. Gerene Denning
  1. University of Iowa Department of Emergency Medicine, USA


Statement of purpose A previous study found that trauma patients from Iowaoff-highway vehicle (OHV) parks were significantly more likely to be in compliance with all-terrain vehicle safety regulations and behaviours than those injured elsewhere. This study’s purpose was to determine the types of enforcement performed by state Department of Natural Resources (DNR) patrol officers in OHV parks, and which specific code regulations they enforce.

Methods/approach Patrol officer time logs and enforcement activities were obtained through a cooperative agreement with the DNR. Enforcement activitiesand variables regarding to whomenforcement activities were directed were analysed.

Results During 751 enforcement hours over 160 days, patrol officers recorded 359 separate enforcement activities. Of these, 52% were verbal warnings, 31% written warnings, and 17% written citations. About 89% of enforcement activities was directed at males; no significant difference in type of violation was found by offender’s sex (p = 0.11). Individuals 16 to <30 years was the age group that received the most enforcement. Children <16 years were more likely to receive verbal warnings than adults (p = 0.03). Adults ≥40 years of age were more likely to get written citations than those 16–39 years (p = 0.0004). Safety and registration violations were nearly equal in number. However, violations related to safety behaviour were more likely to receive verbal warnings and those related to registration and ID display were more likely to receive written warnings/citations (p < 0.0001).

Conclusions Enforcement by patrol officers at OHV parks in this study was primarily through warnings; violators were allowed to correct their regulatory deficiencies. A smaller number received written citations.

Significance and contributions This is the first study to examine enforcement activities related to OHVpark regulations. Further study is needed to determine if safety behaviour compliance is better when patrol officers are performing on-site enforcement as compared to when they are not.

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