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42 Emergency department visits for all-terrain vehicle (ATV) injury among U.S. children
  1. Rosemary Nabaweesi,
  2. Jennifer Onukwube,
  3. Stephen Bowman,
  4. Mary Aitken
  1. University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, USA


Statement of purpose Increasingly popular, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) continue to injure children disproportionately. This study examines ATV injuries in children who present to emergency departments (ED) in the US.

Methods/approach We studied 2009–2011 data from the HCUP Nationwide Emergency Department Sample (NEDS). The NEDS is the largest, all-payer ED database in the US and is comprised of a 20% stratified sample of hospital-based ED visits from over 950 hospitals in 30 states. NEDS can be used to generate national estimates, with weighted data representing approximately 130 million discharges annually. ATV-related injuries occurring in children <18 years of age were included. Demographics, ED disposition, and charges were examined.

Results A total 94,906 ATV-related ED visits were identified, occurring at a rate of 42.5/100,000 annually in children <18 years. 79.1 percent of these were <16 years, for whom ATV use is not generally recommended with a rate of 37.9 visits/ 100,000 annually. Out of all the visits, 92.6% were treated and released, 7.3% were admitted and 0.1% died in the ED. Males were over represented with 66.3%,56.8% had private insurance, 7.4% were uninsured and 32% received Medicaid. Majority reside in urban areas (58.3%), with 41.7% living in rural communities. There was a 9% decline from a 2009 rate of 46.7/100,000 and 34,659 ED visits (Confidence Interval [CI]: 31,742, 37,576) to a 2011 rate of 38.3/100,000 and 28,636 visits (CI: 26241, 31,032). ED visits were highest among the 15–17 year olds at 83/100,000; for 10–14 year olds, rates were at 65.3/100,000. While average charges per visit were $2,421, aggregate charges were $205 million.

Conclusions Despite a recent decline, ATV-related ED utilisation still accounts for substantial medical charges. These data are consistent with other studies but provide additional data on cost and injury burden.

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