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0082 Quickchat debate: lessons learned in injury prevention
  1. Lindsey Myers
  1. Leadership Development Committee, Multi-States Represented, USA


Statement of purpose The field of injury prevention has come a long way. We understand injury data better, have more evidence-based interventions to reduce injury-related morbidity and mortality, and are adept at engaging diverse stakeholders to meet shared public health objectives. The Safe States Alliance Leadership Development Committee would like to invite Annual Meeting attendees to join them in an interactive, in-person QuickChat, where a panel of respected injury prevention leaders will engage in a lively discussion about a timely and controversial injury prevention topic.

Methods/Approach The Leadership Development Committee will solicit input from Safe States Alliance members to select a controversial and timely injury prevention topic for the QuickChat. Examples of possible topics include: a discussion of whether promoting a culture of safety results in increasing the perception that injury prevention is promoting a “nanny state”; a discussion about whether bike-share programs increase injuries among cyclists; or other topics identified through recent journal articles or media. Once the membership selects a topic, the Leadership Development Committee will invite 2–3 seasoned injury prevention professionals to engage in an exciting point-counterpoint debate followed by a facilitated discussion.

Results Participants will examine the ways the field of injury prevention has tried to create a culture of safety, at what cost and what it means for us moving forward.

Conclusions The field of injury prevention is evolving daily. It is important for Safe States Alliance members to play an active role in changing social norms related to a variety of injury and violence issues. This session will help members discover the diversity and unity of our field.

Significance and contribution to the field This session will give participants the opportunity to tap into the knowledge of “seasoned” injury and violence prevention professionals, who will talk about what they have learned and what they wish they had known before they started in public health and injury and violence prevention.

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