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What is the value and impact of the safety World Conference? Evaluators’ reflections of safety 2012
  1. John Wren,
  2. Kim Allen,
  3. Catherine Proffitt,
  4. Helen Riley,
  5. Melanie Aiken
  1. ACC Research, Wellington, New Zealand
  1. Correspondence to Dr John Wren, ACC Research, Accident Compensation Corporation, PO Box 242, Wellington 6011, New Zealand; john.wren{at}


Using survey and documentary information collected as part of an evaluation of the 2012 conference, this paper reflects upon the value of the 2012 World Conference to attendees of the event. The results are discussed in the context of questions about what the purpose of conference is to the world injury prevention community and how they are organised. The evaluators challenge the community and future organisers to clarify what the purpose of these events are to better inform future evaluation activities.

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