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Safe trampolining—a persistent challenge
  1. K Ashby,
  2. E Cassell
  1. Victorian Injury Surveillance Unit, Monash Injury Research Institute, Australia


    Background Trampolines are associated with 1100 hospital-treated child injuries annually in Victoria, almost two-thirds of which occur in home backyards. In the United States the American Academy of Paediatrics called for a ban on domestic trampolines. The Australian response was more measured and a revision of the Australian Standard was undertaken to reduce the risk of injury. A revised Standard concentrated on safety aspects such as spring padding design, protection of sharp edges, safety marking/labelling and mandated a minimum level of consumer safety information. It was expected that these measures would show a reduction in trampoline-related injury. Contemporaneously, trampolines that have a safety net have come on the Australian market.

    Aims/Objectives/Purpose The aim of this study is to investigate trends in hospital-treated trampoline injury in Victoria, during the period July 2002 to June 2011.

    Methods Hospital admissions for injuries involving trampolines were extracted from the Victorian Admitted Episodes Dataset, while non-admitted cases were extracted from the Victorian Emergency Minimum Dataset.

    Results/Outcome Falls from trampolines increased by 98% in the study period, increasing yearly despite intervention. Most injury to children occurred in the domestic setting.

    Significance/Contribution to the Field Anecdotal evidence from suppliers and manufacturers indicate substantial increase in the sale of new trampolines in recent years, after the introduction of new product styles. Therefore it is likely that trampoline usage levels have likewise increased over the 9 year period, which may account for some or all of the observed increase in frequency. High quality surveillance data is required to determine in injuries are associated with new style trampolines.

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