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Background Safe community model has been long considered as an appropriate method to minimise mortality related injury. The model has been implemented in Viet Nam since 2002.
Objective and Method To evaluate the achievements of safe community development in Viet Nam in the stage 2002–2010 using desk review and interviewing staff working in injury prevention at provincial level.
Results Safe community development is based on establishment of safety at school, workplace and public place and intergrated into social and cultural programmes. Many legislation documents on safe community development have been developed and ratified to different levels. In safe communities, the mortality rate has decreased nearly 50% from 37/100 000 population in 2001 to 19/100 000 population in 2010. Also, the number of deaths in children has dropped from 6 to 3 per year. Since 2007, annually, the number of communes registered the safe community development has increased up to 30%. So far, there were 58 Vietnamese safe communities in 14 provinces. Of which, 10 communes were designated as member of the International safe community network.
Significance The duplicate of the safe community development is a big challenge in terms of quality, surveillance and implementation. However, in order to contribute to the reduction of mortality related injury, enhancement and expansion of the model is still a priority needed attention and investment.