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  1. P Lundqvist,
  2. C Alwall Svennefelt
  1. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Work Science, Business Economics and Environmental Psychology, Sweden


    Background Fatal and non-fatal injuries in agriculture are at a very high level compared with other industries in Sweden.

    Aims In order to change this negative situation for the agricultural industry, a number of measures have been initiated. The strategy involves factors, such as: 1) Increased collaboration between involved stakeholders of health and safety in agriculture, 2) A national program on injury prevention and 3) Coordination of actions

    Methods The coordination is done through the Swedish Committee on Working Environment in Agriculture. It is a network working for a good, healthy and safe working environment in Swedish agriculture.

    Results Examples of activities & partners which are included in this strategy

    • The Swedish Work Environment Authority has a project with inspections on farms with the aim to reduce the number of injuries.

    • The Federation of Swedish Farmers with the support of Swedish Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences are running a national program “Safe Farmers Common Sense”.

    • The Federation of Swedish Forestry and Agricultural Employers, has a project with farm safety extension service to their members. The service is provided by safety engineers make on-farm visits in order to help the farmers to cope with safety issues.

    • The Farm Workers Union, have regional safety representatives which gives advice on injury prevention for their members as well as employers on farms to reduce the number of injuries.

    Our evaluations indicate promising results with positive changes of attitudes and more actions on the farms to prevent injuries.

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