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  1. A Namprasert
  1. Porntippa Suriya Location: Khon Khaen Province, Thailand


    Background Traffic accidents, drug, narcotic, crime, and physical abuse are problems that have caused loss of life and property with a tendency rate of increasing. Because of less police officer especially in remote area, promoting the police volunteer is the strategy to prevent these problems.

    Objective People in community are participating in a life and property protection and their community.

    Methods Screening community leaders to be trained in police tactical training session in the area of maintaining order and traffic management at Police Training Institute. The community leaders appointed as police volunteers and are responsible for security of life and property in their community. Police volunteers also implement an alert emergency response service and emergency assistance as requested by their community.

    Results The network of police volunteers with 60–80 people per community. They handle traffic management, monitor safety of life and property, and manage the risk and danger zone, the watching zone and the checking point zone to restrain reckless driving in order to avoid traffic accidents.

    Success The programme indicated statistical data of zero rates in dreadful act and physical fighting among teenagers case. In addition, the rate of physical abuse reduced by 70.5%, drug addicts by 65.5% and fatalities from road accidents by 50%.

    Significance People can provide their safety by themselves, with the success of implementation of the community safety plan; the project has expanded to 132 additional communities

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