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Background Burn is the significant cause of mortality, morbidity and disability in developing countries. It causes longer duration of hospital stay and treatment is costly. First hour of burn is called golden hour, primary level management within this time can save numbers of lives, reduce its severity and minimise duration of hospital stay in low income country like Bangladesh.
Objectives To discuss how the emergency management of severe burn (EMSB) course helps doctors in Bangladesh to serve the burn patient at emergency.
Methods We have reviewed the process of introducing EMSB course for the doctors of Bangladesh and documented how it has been implementing for better serving of doctors at the primary level.
Results EMSB is a copy right course of Australia New Zealand burn Association (ANZBA) for emergency management of burn has been introduced in 2008 In Bangladesh funded by Interplast Australia and New Zealand. ANZBA developed a group of faculty members in Bangladesh to run the course. Four hundreds doctors including plastic surgeons, paediatric surgeons, and general surgeons have trained on EMSB with 43 faculty members now being working voluntarily to run the course. Doctors are now feeling confident enough to manage the burn patient at facility. The EMSB trained doctors efficiently manage the burn disaster in 2010 in Nimtoli, Bangladesh by using their knowledge and skill.
Significance EMSB can tremendously effect in patients survival and it can helps to minimise the disability, therefore