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Using epidemiologic evidence to develop public policies on community safety and citizenship, Medellin, Colombia
  1. A Restrepo1,
  2. LF Duque2
  1. 1University of Antioquia, Previva
  2. 2University of Antioquia, Previva


    Background Medellin metropolitan area is the second conurbation in Colombia (3,5 million inhabitants, 10 municipalities). University of Antioquia PREVIVA Programme was the advisor during a 3 years process to design and adopt a common public policy for violence prevention for the 10 municipalities.

    Aims/Objectives/Purpose To contribute to the design and evaluation of public policies of violence prevention based on scientific evidence, to achieve a reduction in violence.

    Methods This process included violence victimisation magnitude and distribution assessment, several types of aggression risk and protective factors (OR and Attributable population risk), analysis and discussion of evidence by international, national and local skate holders (academic, government, civil society) and community leaders, how to reach agreement on four public policy areas and on 13 specific programmes to implement the public policies, and formal approval by 10 mayors and city councils.

    Results/Outcomes This process followed a model proposed by Richmond that has four components: (1) an epidemiological surveillance system, (2) Empowerment of community leaders and municipal authorities relationship through municipal committees on violence prevention (created by decree by 10 mayors) to analyse scientific evidence and to discuss public policies and priorities, and approve them for the locality, (3) participate in the process to propose and approve public policy, (4) design, implementation and evaluation of programmes on violence prevention and promotion of resilience.

    Significance/Contribution to the Field This methodology was applied in 10 other municipalities in Antioquia, Colombia. This methodology can contribute in the public policies monitoring and evaluation.

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