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Introduction With high rates of accidents was a need to link the accident with the space, geographical variables entering the hospital information system to identify risk factors by geographic area.
Objectives To distinguish geographic areas with higher risk of events. Develop an integrated information system for decision making.
Methods The intervention was developed in four stages: training, database preparation, implementation of the GIS (Geographic Information System) to interrelate spatial analysis of risk factors and health effects. Was performed with gvSIG 1.11 (free software) with bases fragmentary provincial Land Registry. Were added: (a) Road Injuries identifying environmental risk factors and individual, (b) Intentional injuries person to person conducting periodic assessments in conjunction with local police, and identification of susceptible population, with ‘action scenarios’ and construction of ‘crime map’ municipality as interagency, ONGs, Security analysis being the essential input for the reorientation of preventive actions.
Results The implementation of a GIS allowed the integration of information from a spatial approach to enhancing risk analysis processes and decision making, reducing the morbidity of road traffic injuries and intentional injuries by strengthening prevention and health promotion.
Importance/Contribution in the Field The recognition of risk factors, assumes the redirection of existing resources achieving specific social and health interventions that tend to reduce or eliminate these factors.