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Relationship between alcohol mangement plans and injury reductions in a remote Australian community
  1. Senserrick Teresa1,2,
  2. Lyford Marilyn1,
  3. Hinchcliff Reece1,2,
  4. Boufous Soufiane1,
  5. Clapham Kathleen1,3,
  6. Torr Sally4,
  7. Ivers Rebecca1
  1. 1George Institute for Global Health/University of Sydney, 341 George Street, Sydney, Australia
  2. 2University of New South Wales
  3. 3University of Wollongong
  4. 4Bourke District Hospital and Health Service


    Background Alcohol management plans have been introduced in several remote communities in Australia to address a high rate of alcohol-related harm.

    Aims/Objectives/Purpose To evaluate the impact on injury of the alcohol management plan in Bourke NSW (population 2175; 33% Aboriginal) following introduction of takeaway alcohol restrictions in February 2009.

    Methods Community and stakeholder interviews were conducted at 12 (n=29) and 24 months (n=19) post-restrictions. Hospital emergency presentations, admissions and police crime databases were analysed to compare injury at 12 months pre- and post-restrictions.

    Results/Outcome Contested views were provided; however, the majority of interviewees reported visible and tangible benefits, such as reduced public drunkeness and violence. Police reported a 22% decrease in assaults. Hospital presentations (N=714) showed no change in the proportion involving injury (6%) but a significant decline in the proportion of injury presentations involving alcohol (negative binomial regression p=0.016). Injury admissions were low (N=229), with few significant findings detected; however, head injuries decreased by 1.5 times.

    Significance/Contribution to the Field Despite limitations of small numbers and alcohol status likely under-enumerated in hospital data, the results collectively indicate reductions in alcohol-related injury, supporting the increasing uptake of alcohol management plans.

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