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  1. AB Collins,
  2. D Alcock
  1. Nova Scotia Construction Safety Association, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada


    Background Construction is considered one of the more hazardous and high risk industries. In recognition of this, jurisdictions around the globe have devised and organised many ways to reduce and offset the costs of workplace injury.

    Aims/Objectives/Purpose To share the Canadian Federation of Construction Safety Association's—CFCSA—secrets of safety success with the global construction community at a world forum.

    Methods Thanks to effective industry lobbying and partnership with government, a Certificate of Recognition—COR—is required in all tendering for construction projects with government and many other major purchasers of construction services across Nova Scotia, like school boards, hospitals, housing and health authorities. As we prepare for 2012, more than 55% of the current industry participates in the COR programme.

    Results/Outcome Despite increases in the size of our industry, year-over-year, injuries in construction have decreased significantly. This is partially due to participation in the COR programme. Since the inception of the NSCSA there has been a 78.7% reduction in the number of Lost-Time Workers Compensation Claims in the construction industry. In 2011, the Nova Scotia construction industry recorded only 652 Lost-Time Claims; an historic low not reached since 1961.

    Significance/Contribution to the Field The NSCSA case study offers an innovative alternative service delivery option for safety programming and industry self-regulation.

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