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Communication strategy to prevent unintentional injuries ‘accidents do not exist’
  1. Nieto Gil Luis,
  2. C Giraldo Silva Julio,
  3. Gutierrez Martinez Maria Isabel


    Objective Implement a communication strategy to prevent unintentional injuries in three neighbourhoods of Cali, Colombia, with a high prevalence of unintentional injuries.

    Method An interventional, cuasi-experimental study was developed with before-after design, qualitative study. The participants were inhabitants of three districts of Cali, with them it was diagnosed the most common causes of unintentional injury in its territory. With this information there was create the strategy in three levels (i) Media expectation campaign: A ‘bill of risk’, it was similar to a utility bill, which shows the costs of five common events of unintentional injuries in the city, (ii) Broadcasting stories about the prevention of unintentional injuries in which the players saved their life by adopting preventive behaviours at home or in public places, (iii) Interviewing expert on prevention of unintentional injuries.

    Results There were consolidated three working groups, one per district, which still working for the prevention of unintentional injuries in their neighbourhoods. In the same way it has been established a network of media members that keep promoting preventive habits for the reduction of injuries in the city. After the implementation of the strategy it was proved its effectiveness, through focus groups and discussion groups with the inhabitants of the areas intervened who showed greater awareness about the potential risks that can run on their homes or in public places. The idea of ‘Accidents does not exist’ was disseminated in the city as an exercise in prevention and self-care.

    Conclusions This communication strategy has helped to promote behavioural habits and practices, through the techniques of imitation and social modelling, increasing the ability of inhabitants to prevent injuries. This way of working allowed access to areas of the city affected by violence related to crime and drug micro trafficking.

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