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Problem In Latin America the country more violently is El Salvador possesses clandestine cemeteries where victims of Homicides are buried, and his vulnerability before the natural disasters that they provoke fade of land stopping buried victims, the techniques used by the institutions in charge of the forensic research and of rescue, they are old-fashioned.
Target To show the efficiency in the merger of different disciplines applying them to the forensic research and his implementation to improve the recovery of buried victims.
Methods I compile information of cases realised by the author of the new techniques of victims' recovery buried of homicides and natural disasters, tried in the programme excel.
Results In the period of 2010 and 2011 there recovered 205 victims buried in 43 clandestine cemeteries of seven departments, were 110 men, 75 women and 20 children, the reason of death was 60 dismembered, 67 stabbed, 25 beheaded ones, 28 hanged persons, 20 for firearm, and five buried alive, 450 physical evidences and 18 victims Of three fade in two departments.
Conclusions It was a success to fuse the archaeology and forensic anthropology, the architecture, the sculpture and the criminology, Since in 2 years there recovered 505 victims who were eliminated and 18 of fade, one recommends to implement these techniques to the institutions in charge of the forensic researches of the state, and to create a database of missing persons and DNA of the mothers of these.