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Background Injuries through violence are threats to health in every country of the world. Current data on violence and injury in Nigeria requires updating.
Objective To generate current data on violence-related Injuries in Ilorin, a suburban settlement generally seen as peaceful.
Methods A prospective cohort study was conducted in emergency department of University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital between 1 June 2010–31 December 2011. All the patients seen with violent-related injury were included into the study. Patient demographics, the cause, circumstances and severity of injury were recorded. Data was analysed with SPSS 15.0.
Results A total of 79 patients were studied, 89.9% (n=71) were male. Majority (56.3%, n=45) of them were economically active; age 21–40 years. Mechanism of injury was assault in 38(47.5%) cases and gunshot in 36 (45%). The leading motive of the violence was armed robbery (37, 46.8%) and fight (29, 36.7%). Most of the gunshot injuries (29 out of 36) were from armed robbery attacked, p=0.000. Majority of the injuries were lacerations 36(45%) and penetrating wounds 29(36.7%). Twenty (25.3%) patients were severely injured. Most of the injuries 34.2% (n=27) occurred on the roads and 29.1% (n=23) at home.
Significance Armed robbery accounted for high incidence of violence injuries. These results call for detailed study of the causes of violence with a view of generating preventive strategies.